Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Come Sadisfy Me
"A little less conversation, a little more action please
All this aggravation aint satisfactioning me
A little more bite and a little less bark
A little less fight and a little more spark
Close your mouth and open up your heart and baby satisfy me
Satisfy me baby
Baby close your eyes and listen to the music
Drifting through a summer breeze
Its a groovy night and I can show you how to use it
Come along with me and put your mind at ease
A little less conversation, a little more action please
All this aggravation aint satisfactioning me
A little more bite and a little less bark
A little less fight and a little more spark
Close your mouth and open up your heart and baby satisfy me
Satisfy me baby
Come on baby Im tired of talking
Grab your coat and lets start walking
Come on, come on
Come on, come on
Come on, come on
Dont procrastinate, dont articulate
Girl its getting late, gettin upset waitin around
A little less conversation, a little more action please
All this aggravation aint satisfactioning me
A little more bite and a little less bark
A little less fight and a little more spark
Close your mouth and open up your heart and baby satisfy me
Satisfy me baby"
Yes, I know that the song contains tonnes of innuendos and all that. However, as the title suggests, all I want to zoom in on is "Satisfy Me"
Elvis died at the young age of 42, he had a daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, and a divorced wife. Lisa Marie Presley is also a singer, or at least an entertainer in the music industry. She smokes, looks all punk ass, and probably does drugs as well as engages in frequent sex.
King Elvis probably never knew all that about his daughter, since he died so many years ago, at 1977. If he was alive, would he be supportive of her career and lifestyle?
I doubt so, as would any other parent in the right state of mind. Any parent would definitely aspire to have brilliant young Einsteins as their offspring. They demand top-notch grades, multi-talents, multi-languages etc.
Well then, I think parents are expecting too much.
Education was first brought about to instill a sense of morals and righteousness into people to allow them to better serve other people. And now, parents are forcing kids up walls to force them to be things they clearly do not, and most probably will not be.
So, I say, go on, keep sadisfying them. I sincerely hope you get what you hope for.
After all, a sadist is someone who derives pleasure from inflicting pain or abuse to others.
Monday, July 28, 2008
The capes and the cowls
When I was a kid, the earliest dream I had was to be a fighter pilot. Amazingly, that is my earliest childhood memory. As a kid, I would read the aircraft books my dad own, dreaming that one day I would take to the skies in my very own fighter aircraft. Till today, secretly, I still dream of becoming a fighter pilot one day. Though I frequently get mocked at for having such a farfetched dream. The century changed, airpower changed, air travel changed. But till today, I still do quietly yearn for my one shot at flying. I know that is something my father would really be proud of. Something he wanted to do but couldn't. Where my dad fail, I wanted badly to succeed and carry his dreams with me to the sky.
As I grew older, other ambitions in life started to hit me. I wanted to be a politician too. When I was a kid in primary school, I thought politics would be something I possibly could do. And yes, that got me more raised eyebrows and laughters.
Sometimes these calls me to question whether these are things worth dreaming about. Most of us draw a common life between dreams and reality very quickly in our lives. Perhaps I have yet to. I am but a silent fool clinging, hoping and praying that one day, I'll make it there. To the end of my race, happy and satisfied at doing what I always wanted to do since my earliest days.
And that is the dream of flight.

Singapore's Film/Cinematic Industry
In movie theatres, the top films almost always originate from the USA or some other western country. The few movies that break this rule (I Not Stupid 2, Home Run, The Best Bet) are invariably from Raintree Pictures. They're ALL written and directed by Jack Neo. The film that sparked off the modern drive towards filmmaking is Money No Enough. Guess who wrote and directed it? Jack Neo.
Some people may like to say we're coming up in the arts, but with the academic-favouring education system, plus our ignorantly small worldview that is so ubiquitous in our society, I'd declare that we have a long, long way to go. Jack Neo should not solo the whole cinematic scene for Singapore forever.
As said before, the shit on our televisions is still shit. Sitcoms, mild shockers(Incredible Tales, etc) and Crimewatch are fine and all, but when those things are the only popular programs on television you KNOW we need an upgrade to something more serious and myopic. We've exported actresses, a few talents, and even won the Cannes Film Festival, but those are only the tip of the mountain. We need more than just a few outstanding people/work in Singapore's portfolio, if we truly want to look cultured and artistic.
Luckily we have other pros like Royston Tan, Kelvin Tong, and Eric Khoo. But I don't see them contributing enough to television. Bring back fare like Growing Up and Kids United please. Those are programs that should be promoted on TV, not American Idol, or those endless Chinese gameshows and trope-spammed Chinese dramas. We're missing something; that element of real quality and originality that those materialistic emo Westerners seem to have in greater measure.
If we start from the bottom(television), we'll be encouraging more young talent to step out from there, before they are corrupted by those elitist 'Idol' shows or some shit-lame cartoon or sitcom that's less substantial than Spongebob Squarepants. We hook them on art at a young age, we'll pull them away from porn and MapleStory. That's why I say we need to improve our standard of television programs to something more like Arts Centre (Hellsing and Battlestar Galactica? Bring it on).
Anyway I hope I won't have to talk at length on this subject, my views and info aren't so solid. The interview is ten minutes, and I hope they spend most of that on my ambitions, because that's something I'm much more sure of.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Murderous Spelling
See, 'tumulous' is spelled as "tumultous"!
'dedided' is "decided"
'blatent' is "blatant"
xD I'm only doing this because I'm bored so yeah. Again, Panzer, no offence.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Forward is where we look
The stockdale paradox really comes into play now.
"This is a very important lesson. You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end -- which you can never afford to lose -- with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be." - James Stockdale
Over optimism is a pain in the ass sometimes. Especially in my class. Everyone wants a single digit L1R5. But how many of us can actually attain such grades. We all want this, we all want that. I myself can't even grasp properly what is current reality and what is faith.
Sometimes I wonder if things would have been different if I had not stepped into CCKS. No one knows, its also too late to find out. So I need to mature up and grow up a bit, before it might just get too late.
My mum just spoke to me about entering a polytechnic. She told me she thinks it is better if I went to NP. I'm still not giving up my AC dream though. Not because I'm sure I can make it, its not making it in that I really want, its the strive there that I want. The strive, the special push towards the impossible.
Straighten up; I'm quite sure I won't be able to take this ride without getting hurt. But I don't have a choice do I?
25 July 08 - DPA shortlist
Today I was trying to catnap in Mdm Prema's class (Band 1 needs a lecture in run-on sentences and tenses? I want to go to Band 0, please) when my phone rang. It sent sensuous vibrations that tickled me and... aroused me. But I picked it up anyway; it was a private number.
Yesterday I had also gotten a call from a private number. Trouble was, I missed it. The next day(today), some people in my class said they had received a call which informed them that they were shortlisted for an interview with their chosen polytechnic. So, I was like:
I got shortlisted?!
So when I took the call outside class today, and found that it indeed stated that I had been shortlisted for an interview next Tuesday, my cock jumped higher than a ricocheting rubber ball.
So I'll have to compile a portfolio by Monday night. If my DPA application rolls the hard six, I will only need to meet the minimum entry requirements for a GUARANTEED spot in Film, Sound & Video.
Which means I'll only need less than 26 points, a pass in English, and four other subjects to do these things for the next 3 years:
Location Video Production
Media in Society
Social Psychology
3 Interdisciplinary modules
Media Law
Studio Production
Digital FX
Storytelling techniques
Film History
Camera & Lighting
Nonlinear editing
Production Planning
Drama Production
NonFiction Production
Regional Cinema
Adv. Studio Production or Documentary Production
Industry-based project or Industrial Attachment Programme
And that's why I'm crazy about this course. Fapfapfap! Wish me luck, boyos.
Mikana hasn't come online for more than a month.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
24hr playwriting competition details
Soo Mei
------ Forwarded Message
From: "khookahbee"
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 04:07:25 -0000
To: artscommunity@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [capacity-building] Have You Registered - 24-Hour Playwriting Competition 2008
TheatreWorks Writers' Lab's 24-Hour Playwriting Competition 2008 is
back again!
Eleventh year on and the still the only competition of its kind, the
24-Hour Playwriting Competition is bigger and wilder than before. In
an unprecedented partnership with the South East Community Development
Council as part of the South East District Arts Festival 2008
(ARTSXpressions) and SHINE 2008, the competition venture into the rich
and colourful Joo Chiat District, held at the Eurasian Community
House, 2 August 2008 to 3 August 2008.
Whether you are thinking of an alternative way to spend a weekend, or
another Edgar Liao (2007 winner), Ng Yi-Sheng (1998 and 1999 winner)
in the making, the 24-Hour Playwriting Competition 2008 calls out to
writing aficionados and just about anyone longing for a full 24-hour
of creative implosion and explosion.
Registration for the competition is now opened, call TheatreWorks at
67377213 or visit www.theatreworks.org.sg for details on registration
and the competition.
24-Hour Playwriting Competition 2008
2 August 2008 to 3 August 2008, 4pm to 4pm
Eurasian Community House
Competition Categories / Registration Fees
Youth Category, 15 to 18 years old / S$25
Open Category, 19 years and above / S$35
Prizes for Each Competition Category
1st prize at S$700, 2nd prize at S$500, 3rd prize at S$300, Merit at S$100
Wait for my lawyer's letter..not

Since all our privacy and anonomousity had been destroyed by TOFU, I dedided to post this. Now I always knew about this law that stated about noise levels, I never knew it had included musical instruments. Damn..I read the Condominium rules and regulations at least twice and even did my research. The government only disallows loud noise only if it creates a) public nuisance or b) after 11pm. I guess now I fall under a). If I had been living in a HDB, it would at least take them months to take it up to the town council for them to take any action,legal or not. Never knew how efficient a condominium management could be.
Anyways, I will now probably complain about all the fucking annoying marry had a little lamb among other in-recognisable ding dongs my 5 year old neighbour is playing on the piano, DUMB IRRITATING SCREECHING ON THE VIOLIN, and the neighbour 2 floors up who BLASTS FUCKING ANNOYING TECHNO! I really think they're picking on me cause I play the drums. Its so blatent. Seriously I play MUSE or COLDPLAY among other drum tracks and I must say I'm pretty decent! ok, I may not be the best neighbour in the world, ( I've collected a few "the management has come to your house" letters cos I never open the door) but at least polite enough to stop.
This is bad. I've just affirmed with my parents that I WILL not stop. And currently trying to build up defence, namely my musical right. The law is still very vague on noise pollution pertaining to the infamous drums. I will NEVER admit defeat. Seriously, that old lady is getting on my nerves. I stopped for a whole month when her daughter had university final and I was happy to oblige but now she fucking does this to me? NO WAY!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
No picket signs please, im singaporean.

A picture says a thousand words, only if you're smart enough, otherwise, seriously, don't bother.
Anyway nice pics eh? Don't know who did em but what I know is that they're from the
fantastic Uncyclopedia. Want a link? here you lazy bastards..
Anyways, while your there, check out the many articles about the various religions, yes, including flying spagetti monster, at least only if your open enough that is. Its a great laugh if your open about it.
Quid Novi
Other videos I can call my own:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pevWI-h1D4 - Another trailer-ish video, well received by community
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrSGKlrfZ0I - Compilation of community frag movies I put together
I also have my own frag movie in the works, plus a machinima production tugging at the back of my head.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
There's nothing conceptually better than Rock and Roll;
So Ima celebrate it the only wat I know how; spreading the illumination of Oasis to all! xD
So here's to Oasis, Coldplay and Rock and Roll. Ladies *grins* and gentlemen, let's drink to some Champagne Supernova, courtesy of the boys from Manchester and their revolving line-up!
Farnborough Strawberries
Farnborough has always been the hallmark of aviation air shows, and a highly anticipated event. The biannual airshow alternates with the Paris airshow, another massive air show.
The Singapore airshow seems peanuts to this two big air shows.
Anyway, I subscribed to reports from Jane's military magazine to receive updates from the trade fairs of the airshows. They have the biggest things there. Maybe I should make it a point to go to the Paris airshow or Farnborough airshow once in my lifetime. LOL. What a dream.

This is what you see in Farnborough. LOL
Saturday, July 19, 2008
The Math of English.
What happened to the time when we nurtured creativity, ideas and individualism in writing? Not to mention supporting something that was simple yet brilliant? I have to admit for the sake of a nice score and something to show my parents that chinese is for n00bs, I also find myself going to thesaurus.com more often than my entire schooling life. Reading sample essay of which "model" descriptions only makes me more pissed. Seriously, is this how cambridge determines the ability of a writer? By his vast vocabulary and "ability" to describe it out? Used properly, I really do feel that simple vocabulary like for example "a dark night" is more powerful emotionally than " darkness shrouded the night sky". It just sounds so...cheesy.
If you give me a medicore score to tell me my story was bad, thank you. If you gave me a lowscore because I didn't use the amazing descriptions you gave me..WTF.
-Panzerz (ideas paint far greater pictures than words can imagine)
My past week (and da intenetz)
I just wrote two narratives. They're pretty cool IMO. I'll post them if my English teacher approves of them.
Two big things bothering me:
I sent in my application for the 24h playwriting competition late. It'll only be received on Monday, and Theatreworks is holding two 24h writing workshops before then which will bring in more people to snap up my seat before then. If I don't get in... I can't believe I didn't send it in earlier. Fuck this. I'm calling them tomorrow to discuss this.
Two: A trailer I made for a contest didn't get selected for top ten. What really irks me is that terrible videos have been chosen instead. It has happened before. I'm disappointed, and some people at GZF are gloating and trolling me about my confidence that my trailer is top ten material (I still am convinced the judges were tards, or prejudiced against Asian players). I've even got a complaint about how I let them walk all over me. Lol. Moderating a forum full of ippy people who crave attention and get a kick out of "defying the system" can get unpleasant. It's also been such a learning experience that I included it in my DPA application for Psychology.
If Peak Oil doesn't plunge the world into catastrophe by the next few decades, your sons and daughters will be venturing out into the internet at a tender age. Yes, we're all used to MSN, blogspot, Google, torrents - but I have been to some of the more shady spots. Some of you have never even heard of 4chan, the webcomic phenomenon, internet memes (Over 9000), porn sites, sites that jack your browser, the cultures that sites like Youtube, Wikipedia, and Deviantart develop? Yes my first choice is FSV, but internet/youth psychology is still an attractive field of study for me.
It's only too bad that by the time I come out into the industry, my knowledge on youths will have become largely obselete. But hey - I still have the internet. That's the thing I love about it. If you don't go to the wrong places, people will judge you by what you say and do and make - not what you look like. That's one entire bunch of stereotypes down the drain.
mikana is hawt D:
Let us celebrate

And while we are on the issue of pride. I just want to say how much school pride I have.
my ass (:
Thursday, July 17, 2008
"Gay Rights" is NOT an Oxymoron, you Moron!
ox·y·mo·ron [ok-si-mawr-on]
Rhetorical figure by which contradictory terms are conjoined so as to give point to the statement or expression; the word itself is an illustration of the thing. Now often used loosely to mean "contradiction in terms."
[Online Etymology Dictionary ]
Gay Rights
Definition: equal civil and social rights for homosexuals
[Webster's New Millennium™ Dictionary of English]
Now that we have the above terms properly defined, I feel that we are ready to go on.
As some allege, an example of an oxymoron, is "Gay Rights". However, I feel compelled to point out the definition of an oxymoron as shown above refers to a "contradiction in terms", which is clearly absent in the term "Gay Rights". By any rule of the English Language, I can thus prove once and for all that "Gay Rights" is NOT an oxymoron, unlike "Cruel Kindness" and "Slow Lightning".
As a result, I feel extrememly compelled to assume that when you say " 'Gay Rights' is an oxymoron", you are actually implying that members of the homosexual community are are to be denied rights to be themselves? To be denied freedom, a principle which many fathers of fathers fought for, and swore their loves to uphold? Rights that make us human, rights that make us unique from other mammals. Am I right to assume you want these people to be deprived of their rights and freedom, and instead to be classified as animals with homosexual tendencies?
So please, for the love of the Language, keep it in your heads to not use powerful words such as "oxymoron" to further your cause to deprive our fellow homo sapiens, who happen to belong to the category we give them as "Homosexual", of their rights.
Speaking of which, the word "Homosexual" contains the prefix "Homo", which is the genus of us humans. Thus, I beseech anyone who reads this to please uphold their rights as human.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
We are as free as caged birds.
You're pretty right. It would seem dumb not to take part.
Now freedom is not about whats written on the dictionary, neither is it COMPLETE and total rule over whatever you do. I must admit, there are some guidelines to follow. We live in democracy, where freedom should be tolerated but to what extent? Thats where constitution comes in. There are also guidelines, like how you should not change 1+1=2 and say its equal to 3. Facts cannot be changed. However, humans are not numbers, we are not recurring phenomenons of male and female, we are special. We have personality, we have ideas, we have opinion.
Anyways what I am trying to say is that if your oppressive government won't stop you, society will. Governments have not killed witches or burned undesirables, society has. A small village of which "morals" and "values" taught by religion have "cleansed" them to becomming model villagers where men fish, women cook, and males like females. Many sociologists as well as conspiracy theorists have discovered by few dare say. I quote from the film ZEITGEIST "religion has more influence than any form of government, even more influence than the truth." There is no freedom here, as there is no need. Everyone thinks the same, witches are bad, king is good, their little utopia. The only reason why we never accepted freedom of sexuality was because we deemed it wrong. At first, it did seem wrong, how can gays reproduce? Thats werid. But as SCIENCE progresses, we learn that it is hormonal and mental, as much as in some cases, physical. We start to accept it for what it is, not what it wasn't.
America, is a good example of the old world where is it suicidal if presidential candidates are non-believers. They start to suspect anyone who isin't. GAYS ARE JUST WRONG? Now, who in history first said this? In a world where everyone is different, this breeds liberalism. We are not lambs that can be herded around, we are individuals who have unique fingerprint and DNA(except for twins).
The only way freedom in democracy can succeed is if humans are open-mindend enough and rational enough. Humans are rational creatures. We must learn to give and take. WE MUST LEARN TO ACCEPT. However some do abuse, and if you truly believe in freedom, do not stop him.
Anyway, I believe humans are mature enough to understand PERSONAL boundaries, such as belief, opinion, and personality. I do not impose what I feel is right upon others. I let them decide, even is it a wrong decision, for it was their freedom. It was Hitler's abused freedom to kill, no matter how wrong, and the British's to stop them. There is no right and wrong. There is only opinion. Is is your freedom to hate homosexuals and their actions, i respect that as much as you have the social obligation to respect my beliefs. I am not sitting on the fence, I am respecting everyone, despite how much they do not deserve it. If the liberals trying to promote freedom impose their ideas onto others, they are but liars. Their only purpose to "win" the argument and prove they are right and someone else is wrong. This is also how anti-heroes like Batman are born.
There is only opinion. There is only opinion.
The Bandwagon
Lime-y says:
"Freedom is a term more commonly used by those who are being oppressed, and would want nothing better than to stop this oppression i.e If you live in a monarchy (bad luck la you) where you're King is some arse who only cares about himself and doesn't treat you and his subjects right, then of course freedom would be rid of that bastard and have a fairer way of ruling you're once monarchy state."
But Orange-y, his alter-ego, has another viewpoint. He says:
"Freedom is also the ability to be the ruler of your own life, destiny and whatnot. So that'd mean no one has a say on what you do, which means that you can do as you please. It is in THIS context where freedom can become a veeeeeeeeeery veeeeeeeeeeeery veeeeeeeeeeery veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery veeeeeeeeeeeery veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery veeeeeeeeeeeeeery veeeeeeeeeeery dangerous thing. Yes. Freedom can = danger. How?
Let's say there's this guy A who hates this other guy B. So one day guy B really pisses the jizz out of guy A, and so cause guy A can do absolutely whatever he pleases, he decides to go and nuke guy B and in the process, kill several million people in the surrounding area cause everyone can own nuclear rockets cause they can do as they please.
But please please note the exaggeration and the ridiculousness of this example, as i shows an extreme situation, no? It is to show that freedom is only abused in the most extreme of cases, when TOTAL freedom is given to everyone, which was what I believe Tofu was trying to say. But seriously Tofu, not everyone can own nuclear rockets now can they...? Get my point...?"
Now that I've enlightened you ignorant citizens of Singapore, go stop faking Epilepsy seizures and...
Freedom, a Privilege?
Freedom. By convention, it means to be able choose. This means, you can also choose to NOT choose. Consequently, person A can choose to be a Muslim, and abide by the laws of Islam; choose to be a member of the priesthood, and abide by the laws of celibacy they swear by; or conversely answer the chemicals in his head and turn to a member of the opposite sex, or develop his/her feelings towards another member of the same sex.
Personal Rights. This is an extension of Freedom. I choose to eat both dishes, and take the best (and worse) from both and reap whatever I sow. Lets say Person A chose to undergo a sex change operation; and Person B objects to it. Neither of them are in the wrong, both are, in effect, exercising their Personal Rights.
Transsexual Surgery. Let us not forget that even the medical community is not isolated from Capitalism, and hence, wherever there is money to be made, new technology will develop to better satisfy the paying customer. Furthermore, the person who successfully develops this new technique/technology receives the monetary incentive granted, be it in the form of prestigious awards such as the Nobel Prize, or cash in the form of paying customers. Therefore, blame not science for bringing us transsexuals, but rather, blame the base human instinct of greed and self-preservation.
Furthermore, let us not forget the points Nosey has pointed out. The very fact that transsexual surgery does not affect an individual's ability to perform acquired skills e.g. driving, swimming, eating or even gaming.
TOFU said:
"Which part says liberty to chose your sex?
Somethings in life you can chose, like your school, your friends, your degree major, your wife.
But sex? We are allowing a screwed up 16 year old drop out son-of-a-bitch to chose to become a cheerleader? He sure would know what's best for himself."
Do you not find it ironic, that by saying so, you are actually suggesting that model citizens should suppress his freedom, his rights, his liberty to choose to become a cheerleader? If so, are you saying that freedom should only be given to those who deserve it? And if so, how would you define one who deserves freedom? Through religion? Through the size of his bank account?
Henceforth, I conclude this:
Freedom is not a decision a single person can decide on. It is what makes us human, it is what defines us humans, it is more than a privilege. Your sex, your religion, your job, your education, your friends. Do not use your perception of this principle, influenced by your own morals and restrictions, and suppress another's.
Response to "The price of Freedom"
Morality/Religion is based on strictures, rules, lines you can't cross because it's wrong. On the other hand, Freedom, besides being at its core an opposite of restrictions, is a principle. Unless they integrate it into themselves, the quintessence of principles does not include the concerns of morality. Morality & Freedom are things that are bound to clash - and compromises will have to be made on both sides for there to be any sort of balance.
Thus, I have two responses to this: A personal one and an objective one.
Objectively, it's ridiculous to use the dictionary to justify the notion that because liberty does not explicitly allow sex change, it disallows it. I could use the same argument to insinuate that because liberty does not explicitly allow potato chips, it disallows potato chips.
You say people are bound to make wrong and misinformed decisions. Converting to say, Christianity, is also a life-changing decision. So if sex change is a decision, people make wrong/misinformed decisions, and therefore it is wrong, I can by the same line of logic declare that because Christianity is a decision (unless your church forces its belief on others, which it doesn't), people make misinformed and wrong decisions, and therefore the Church is wrong. Every bloody decision to do anything is wrong.
And that's where the objectivity ends, because TOFU, when I ask you why you're against Sexual Freedom A or Sexual Freedom B, your most frequent and instinctive answer is that it's simply wrong. This is the quintessence of your entire vendetta against sexual freedoms - not HIV, not concern over population figures, nothing practical and examined in a lab. You simply believe it's wrong and that simple belief is the crux of your argument. There is no logical or scientific basis that firmly backs you up.
So there's really no logic round I can fire at you, unless I wish to go into the intricacies of the Bible (which I believe I am not qualified to comment on yet). But I'll just bring up these things:
Would I want my kids to go to school and sit next to a kid who was brought up by two fathers or two mothers? Why not? Are we still at that primal, childish stage where we judge people by their parents and not themselves?
Should I give a shit if the person driving my taxi is a guy, girl, fake guy, or fake girl? Does it hamper his driving abilities? I can just see people being out of jobs because their dick isn't real: "This company has rejected your application because your dick was found to be fake". At its quintessence, sex change is just on-the-surface. They change their sexual organs, pump in some hormones. I don't know about you but I don't judge people based on what kind of sexual organs they have.
"A screwed up 16 year old drop out son-of-a-bitch to choose to become a cheerleader? He sure would know what's best for himself." If you're picking such a bad representative for transgender people, I could go and pick some heinous Christian radical (I'm sure there are plenty) who'd also make your religion, or any other kind of group look like a pile of shit. This is another one of those one-sided stereotypes.
Do I want my child to live in a world where male and female don't matter? HELL YES. I don't want my boy to be picked on if he wants to play with Barbie dolls, because he has a cock. My girl shouldn't be stopped if she wants to make a political difference because she doesn't have a cock.
TOFU, lets say you have the qualifications to be a pilot. But what if they bar you from flying planes because women and planes are just not supposed to mix? Or if your parents were gay, and the military can't take that kind of stock in, even if you yourself disagree with your parents' decisions? I would also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that there is still no conclusive answer to whether homosexuality, bisexuality and the like is a choice or an uncommon biological impulse.
Your view isn't wrong or even invalid, TOFU, just that all the stereotypes make it look bad.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The price of Freedom
Through the years, evolution has played an important role in development to today. It is not human evolution or darwinism I'm talking about though. Its the evolution of ideals, thoughts, culture and perception. It was not long ago where transexuals were frowned upon and were looked down at. Today, a man can freely change his sex and still be proud of it, all in the name of the person's rights or freedom. We keep pushing the boundries of freedom limited to us on society. Yesterday's sins are today's hip icons. The world says, its ok, be gay. I say, screw you and keep to what nature has meant for you. Sure, its his freedom to chose his sexual preference? Is it? So our society would allow a man to have sex with a man (which has never been seen before in mother nature) and then says its fine, its your right, everyman has his right. I don't know how far we should go in defining boundries. Once we accept gays, gays want to marry, and then adopt children, and raise kids. There is no end, the more we give in, the worst the situation will become. Honestly, would you want your kids to go to school and sit beside a guy who has no mother but two fathers? Its his right, but can we stop giving a person so much rights because you and I know most of the time, your decisions aren't informed ones and is not what's best for yourself. This is a problematic start to the twenty first century. Its all in the name of freedom.
Transexuals now stand today amongst us. They're the guy selling you cinema tickets. The woman behind the counter at the local convienence stall. The taxi driver who looks like he is a guy. Or is he? Today, transexual surgery is so successful (in a medical sense) that even doctors might not be able to tell between a real thing or a sex changed person. This is what we have given ourselves, the freedom to decide your own sex. Don't like being a guy? No problem, just change your sex to a woman. Hate those monthly menstrual cycles? No problem, you can always change back. So this is it? We are now giving them a choice to chose if they want to be a girl or a guy?
Check out what the dictionary says about Freedom
1. the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint: He won his freedom after a retrial.
2. exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.
3. the power to determine action without restraint.
4. political or national independence.
5. personal liberty, as opposed to bondage or slavery: a slave who bought his freedom.
6. exemption from the presence of anything specified (usually fol. by from): freedom from fear.
7. the absence of or release from ties, obligations, etc.
8. ease or facility of movement or action: to enjoy the freedom of living in the country.
9. frankness of manner or speech.
10. general exemption or immunity: freedom from taxation.
11. the absence of ceremony or reserve.
12. a liberty taken.
13. a particular immunity or privilege enjoyed, as by a city or corporation: freedom to levy taxes. 14. civil liberty, as opposed to subjection to an arbitrary or despotic government.
15. the right to enjoy all the privileges or special rights of citizenship, membership, etc., in a community or the like.
16. the right to frequent, enjoy, or use at will: to have the freedom of a friend's library.
Which part says liberty to chose your sex?
Somethings in life you can chose, like your school, your friends, your degree major, your wife.
But sex? We are allowing a screwed up 16 year old drop out son-of-a-bitch to chose to become a cheerleader? He sure would know what's best for himself.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not against people being rebels against an African dictator, your right is to live in the country, fight for that. But why must we allow our children and our children's children to go through a world where female and male is subjective, where even your gender is fluid.
If this is the price of freedom, I don't want anymore freedom.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Childhood 1
Mediacorp used to be good for me. (Or should I say TCS? Whatever) Let me try and remember a few memorable TV shows I watched:
Advertisment spam: before some channels began to air, there would be endless ads. I found the adspam fascinating. Lawnmowers and shit.
Pokemon: before it got old. Too much of a good thing, seriously. GTFO Pikachu, get some character development already.
Digimon: In my opinion the only good one was the first one, maybe the second one too. Mikana was playing the theme song at Drama Camp, and damn did it bring back memories. This show used to be epic - I can't remember if they ever solved that mystery of the phone booths on the beach spewing nothing but gibberish.
NASCAR racers: You can't go wrong with cars that literally rocket all over the track and fly around in a racetrack, which is in a motherfucking SPHERE.
Can't remember the name: There was one dystopian sci-fi animation that was memorable. I vividly remember a moment where the hero was flying a plane towards an enemy ship, and his buddy called over the comms "You're out of missiles! Where're you going to get missiles?" "The plane IS the missile!" Epic, at least back then it was.
Another show which I can't remember the name of: Featured transformer-type robots working as rescue ops. Definitely better than the usual "we're in a war, fight the big enemy" thing. Had continuity and extended plot.
We are REM: This wasn't THAT good, but the scenarios had me thinking, and caught many villian stereotypes I'd been harbouring. The new REM just fails with their ultra-sexy girls and trying-too-hard-to-look-smart detectives.
Kim Possible: Simply for Ron Stoppable and Rufus. Nothing else matters.
As Told By Ginger: It was only mildly interesting, until this simple cartoon began to delve into serious issues and actually gave the adults (read: everyone) real character. It was too bad I didn't have the mental capacity to comprehend it fully at the time. I'm actually torrenting this now, this show has won Emmys.
Kids United: For a few choice episodes, including one where this guy just goes and stands up to a girl he had been liking, but rebukes her for stealing anyway (she had stolen a novel for him).
Team Fortress 2: Wait, nevermind.
The few eps I watched of Samurai Jack were very cool.
Beyblade: In retrospect it sucks, but it was fux pro to see people playing their battle tops like a RTS game.
Samurai X: Smart fight scenes hooked me.
Rugrats: Because it's fun as hell.
Bubu Chacha: Strangely cockwarming.
There are more, but I think this is a good time to stop and look at WHY I've stopped watching Kids Central.
WinX Club: Blatant Harry Potter ripoff, except with over 9000 more stereotypes. Those girls are pencil-thin in everything from body shape to character depth. My middle-aged father could probably do a better job at the voice acting than the main characters. The script stinks more than a wet cock. I'd rather watch teletubbies.
If we look at the Tomato Twins, Ying Yang Yo, Ubin Boy, Strawberry Shitcake, and most of what they air on not just Kids Central, but even Channel 5, it's not hard to pick porn over it all. Singaporean television is deteoriating. Writers are grabbing an overused trope or premise, twisting and lampshading it slightly, then selling the show as something new and original. And our young, impressionable viewers are gobbling it up and learning that THIS is the standard of Singaporean television. And I'm still seeing those fucking stereotypes.
Go back to your holes, writer wannabes. When I come out I'm going to PWN YOUR ASS. Singapore SHOULD NOT be proud of the Tomato Twins. FUCK OFF MY SCREEN
Freedom is for the abuse of the people and is really the basis for societies to improve. Think about it the has to be a problem before there can be an answer. I don't think the Stone agers could pre-empt Ice Age or poor Medival bastards could pre-empt the Black death. The very first problem societies must adress is survial. Is this system suitable for us, will we starve? Will be be ridden with diseases? Of course, this is also the toughest part of development. After this phase, the people start asking for material goods. We Want a good sewage system! We want roads and airtravel! Now this becomes more simple to handle once economy has settled down and the main trade of the country has been decided (if any) be it agriculture, fishing, gas, oil or even skilled workers. There must be something than can be exploited for export for wealth to come. Next, comes the tricky party. How about our laws and rights? Whats our constitution going to be like? This requires a good government. Some prefer to censor for the good of the people and remain shrouded in smog while prefer freedom, which is the route of MOST democracies in the 21st Century. If suddenly an evil dictator assumes control at this part, say bye bye to TV and hello to your new Comrades. At which you either say " NO WAI THATS RIDICULOUS BIATCH" and get shot/sued or shut up and live, opressed.
Now comes the tough part. What you decided upon years ago may not apply now and you wish to change it. At which you either say " NO WAI THATS RIDICULOUS BIATCH" and get shot/sued or shut up and live, FEELING opressed.
So maybe you got that rule about well, dodo killing tax out of the way. YAY! and then you realise, OMG I WANT FREEDOM TO SAY THAT I HATE DODOS! which you either say " NO WAI THATS RIDICULOUS BIATCH" and get shot/sued or shut up and live, opressed.
Now, you want to breed and genetically modify dodos for well, science and progress.(DUH!) Which definately goes against the Dodo religion and morals which you either say " NO WAI THATS RIDICULOUS BIATCH" and steal all the dodos to your lair and do your experiments.
But you realise "WTF AM I DOING HERE? I NEED MY COCA-COLA!" and fight for your rights. Which you either say " NO WAI THATS RIDICULOUS BIATCH" and get shot/sued or shut up and live, opressed.
Thats right folks, freedom is all about saying "NO WAI THATS RIDICULOUS BIATCH" and whether you die or not, differs from place to place. I personally prefer the place that doesn't.
Jokes aside, there should always be a balance of power. Govt > People = :( while People > Govt. = :) (with all the terms and conditions) An avenue for the rulers to use power and an avenue for the people to say..you know. For which something something should be done to adress it. Opinions of a building full of people maybe good, but voices from rich and poor regardless of class, race, religion. Isin't it better? I used to laugh at the innocent political views of aunties and uncles on radio critisizing what the governemt are doing, but now I learn, they have as much right as me and I sincerely respect that.
Pussy =D
"You're only a pussy when you're afraid/ PARANOID of/ ABOUT something. So what if BIG BROTHER is watching? Only makes him a perv/ pedo/ peeper/ enlightened person/ etc. riiight? Let him watch, we've got nothing to hide, save for those skeletons we hide in our closets, and that's why we have closets; to hide our skeleons in. There's also cryptography yeah? And subliminal messages, and invisible-ink, and innuendoes (I personally love em), and sign/ body language and etc."
- Lime-eh
SEE!? We're not so free I know, but at least we have ways to make our opinions heard, no matter if it goes against you're DADDY's morals or the local Imam's morals etc. Etc etc etc etc etc.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Naval names
Still Serene
Iron Faith
Fairy Dragon
Clay Condor
Dirt Runner
I will work harder
We can't vote PAP out anyway, they are good for us. So young people, stop being a rebel and stop thinking its cool voting for the opposition.

This is my country, this is my flag, this is my future, this is my life, these are my family, these are my friends, we are singapore, singaporeans. :)
The purest or most typical form of something. So the quintessence of (let's just say) sex would be for human reproduction, so I don't know why all you peeps are so hyped up about sex and all, when it's just an act of reproducing.
"You got a socket? C'mon, I got a plug, and there're humans to be made."
So now we move on to ubiquitous. Omnipresent; seeming to be everywhere at the same time. Seriously, this word looks friggin' cool, but only if you know how to use it (;
So let's say that oppression is ubiquitous, just that the oppressed don;t know that they're BEING oppressed and the oppressors don't even know that they ARE oppressing. Interesting, no?
"Yeah yeah I know, porn IS ubiquitous. And that sucks, period."
Friday, July 11, 2008
Pleace come now, I need you.
Anyway, back to the beautiful iPhone 3G. Now, not to discredit Sank, he almost got me to change my mind about it, how it "sucked" and all but what the heck, look at it, its GORGEOUS, a visual orgasm more powerful than Nosey's entire porn collection.

Seriously, the N95 looks like a monster in comparison.
Another thing I love about it and generally Apple is their ingeniuity. I write on Vista like a robot trying rushing through it. Doing it on a mac makes me want to pop champange and do the essay all over again, on a different font....maybe size, colour? Its also polite, it says thank you when i send an error report when I guess the guys down at Redmont ( Its microsoft..) don't even bother. Small details that make your day. Everything is so pleasing and if you think Vista is nightmarish enough, wait till you use Windows mobile. So small and compressed, slow and cluttered that I understand why Nokia swore to symbian depite its lack of user-friendliness and depth. Everything on a mac is so easy and pleasant. I love flipping through cover flow both on my macbook and ipod but I immediately swith off my 6-year old XP the moment I get fustrated. I could troubleshoot a mac all day, not that I'd have any need to.
I've just downloaded the new iTunes and the apps (application) store is amazing facebook, phrase books , Apple remote, ebay, crossword, games, Instant messaging, a GODDAMN HUMAN ANATOMY all on the iPhone. wow.....
Mac, it just works. Sorry sank, don't even try.
p.s. I gave up trying to use the "uber" Samsung Omnia after 2 minutes in the store.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Good old alcohol

pass me another bottle honey, the Jäger is so sweet.
It is usually taken with Red Bull. What they do is they knock shots of Jäger into about 200ml of Red Bull? And it is consumed chilled. Chuck the XO. Get drunk on information.
People have been known to get really nauseous from this overwhelming drink. The thing is, it is unlikely for you to find it in any other part of the world except Germany, and maybe Europe.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Retardation; up close and personal
1. the act of retarding or state of being retarded.
2. something that retards; hindrance.
3. slowness or limitation in intellectual understanding and awareness, emotional development, academic progress, etc.
Its really encouraging to know I got this to help me draw the bell curve in my favour in national exams.

Wow, that looks real nice and encouraging. I want a peice of steve jobs in my pocket.
Procrastination's retardation effect
So, last Thursday I said to myself, over the weekend and Youth Day I'll do these things:
1. Finish homework
2. Work on Lit Debate
3. Study for Chem
4. Do F&N Coursework B
5. Finish all of the above before Monday, so I can slack.
What I forgot was that homework consisted of:
Two SS essays
Fuckload of maths
And stuff I can't even remember.
Came back from school and TF2'd the whole afternoon. Very gratifying.
NYAA Ceremony - Well I'll meet up with my Lit group on Sunday... or something...
TF2 TF2 TF2 gunzfactor gunzfactor TF2 Battlestar Galactica PORN TF2
Nighttime - did 2 SS essays.
Ten percent of my maths homework later, I said, "Fuck it" and TF2!
Stare blankly at Coursework for a grand total of 10 minutes... then Youtube. For TF2 videos.
My Lit group members start a convo over MSN - "hey we're doin the lit now" "ok update me" "lol u doin maths? busy??" "no" "are u lonely?" "no" "damn i was trying to seduce you"
I THINK about studying Chemistry, and finally have the guts to kick up a chair, push up my spectacles, unplug my headphones, plug in the speakers and BE A FUCKING PRO SPY ON TF2!!!111111
Read the Lit Debate materials and got some ideas. Seeing as they were fresh in my mind, I thought it wise to go to sleep and forget the hell about them.
PORN PORN PORN PORN *doorbell* it's Panzer and TOFU. I hit the monitor with my cock and down goes the pr0n. o hai guys wat up
We manage to alternate between working and talking about crap. For a couple of hours. My coursework B advances 15 words and WELL WOULD YOU HAVE RESISTED TF2???!?!?!
I take a break... Coursework B... okay... right after I watch another episode of Battlestar Galactica.
Pebble Fort up and running.
Panzer and TOFU leave. That means... you guessed it... my porn from the morning! I missed you!
*views uncut scene where Sharon Valerii is raped in BSG*
I ask a classmate what are the topics for Chem MYE
*replays rape scene five more times, then frame-by-frame*
TF2! No, enough of that... what are the topics for Chem MYE again?
It's 10 o clock. Well I'm majorly fucked. I guess this means some consolation TF2 is in order.
Chem MYE day, but not before surprise history SBQ test jumps me. Oh shit. Well I won't fail... I think....
Chem MYE itself. Surprisingly, I knew most of the answers. No revision was done prior.
F&N teacher asks, "Do you want to do your Coursework now? I have the lab open..."
No thanks, I think I'll just ... TF2...
Woke up at 4.
Porn till 5, then Coursework, for real, until 6.
I sleep in the car.
Sleep before flag-raising...
Sleep during listening comprehension...
*wakes up for English lesson... *Teacher isn't around, but Mikana is.
F&N Coursework "How much have you done?" "errrrrr I've done some stuff..."
Someone notices my bloodshot eyes. Wait, I've been staring at Mikana with bloodshot eyes?!
"No, you can't drop out of the lit debate."
English MYE - I sense an epic fail on the way.
My lit group and lit teachers spam jokes. I don't join in because I feel like living death.
Then I have to fucking analyze everything for them.
Go home.
TF2? Fuck man, even retards learn their lesson. Coffee for the last 4 days mang.
Sexist rights...wait, thats an oxymoron
It is about us as humans. *gasp* Yes, this makes me the most radical and highest on the CIA hit list among the five of us. However I lament that everybody who reads this would think that I'm an idiot who doesn't dare to tell it to the world like a man and hide behind my Uber computer (fact) typing these stuffs. If you did think that, congratulations, you are RIGHT! Beats going to jail for all its worth.
I FUCKING hate it when people feel the need for equality and freedom when they're the ones messing up the balance in the first place.
Humans are selfish (fact)
Kind of like how teachers say that they'll treat you with respect if you respect them. But I want to be shown respect before I respect you. Problem? Ends up both parties not respecting one another. I respect people who "give in" and take the first move. They make the world a better place.
Humans are pampered and spoilt by our sence of whats "right" and "fair" ( semi-fact)
Humans can't take the bloddy truth. Please. If someone comes up to you and says you're fat (aimed at females) you get angry. If its a fact, face it, but don't get anorexic please. It its a joke, understandably get angry for all I care. If its a lie, IGNORE it. You shouldn't make truths too blunt too others, people say, take into account their feelings. Now I don't see government taking into account our feelings when raising bills cause we're energy hungry maniacs or telling us we'll die is we eat too much fat. Sure it doesn't sound nice, but it works. Begin with the end in mind. Whatever thats in the middle is a bloddy waste of time or money....mostly money. Don't say its not "nice". Whoever said the world is a nice place is dead (fact). Death is peaceful...well hell isin't but I'm athiest so lets carry on. Its a dog eat dog world.
So, eat dogs.
p.s the post may have sounded too pessimistic on human emotions and feelings. Don't get me wrong, feeling are important, if it weren't for them, Africa would be a wasteland by now, its good to help one another, but if ONE person throws this out of balance, its all out war.
-Panzerz, once again.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
theres a first for everything. and heres mine.
so, after the sleep inducing post on "Alien Therapy", the Intro, the introduction of Epilepsy courtesy of Lime and Wikipedia, and the 500 word long essay, it looks like its my turn..
seriously, i think there really isn't much to talk(write) about.. so i'm just gonna do up a little recommended reading list (which translates to MUST READ OR DIE!) for the politically, socially, and conspiratorially aware.
1. Ninety Eighty-Four - George Orwell
2. A Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
3. Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
4. Animal Farm - George Orwell
5. as many Wikipedia articles as you can possibly read
There we are. Of course this is done with a subjective tone, as it is what i feel..
No hard feelings eh, mates?
-Giant left his mark
The Pebble Fort - Original Story
I wrote this one for a short story competition. Submissions were supposed to be aimed at 4-8 year olds. It taught me something: I don't ever want to dumb down my standards for some toddler to understand. Fuck them anyway. All they ever do at that age is chew on Honey Stars and watch Pikachu digivolving into Kirby.
One day I'll fully explain the symbolic meaning of the pebble fort.
I thought I would never get there, but I reached the top of the hill in good time. If I wanted to, I could stay for a few hours, drinking in the moist air and fresh green grass. Sitting down gingerly on the soft, slight slope, I shut my eyes and shut out the present.
I drifted into a blurry memory of my younger days on the hill. It was like being in a big, choppy sea. I swam around blindly for something solid. And then, it hit me clearly like catching a pebble in my hands.
I said it aloud suddenly, wanting to know if I had got it right after all these years. The empty air had no reply. Of course.
She had only told me her name once, just that once when we first met on this hill.
She snorted when she heard mine. “That’s a lousy name.”
“Well then, what’s your name?” I challenged meekly.
I wasn’t impressed by her answer. “I didn’t come here to argue about names,” she shrugged.
She had come to escape her family. An ugly, controlling lot that created frowns on her face. My background was different – my parents didn’t care at all – but the feelings between us were the same.
Gradually but surely, we moved beyond discussing random events under the stars. Once, in the privacy of night, she confessed that she didn’t know what to do after leaving school.
I smiled and said recklessly, “Who cares? Only now matters. Us. And here.”
Our busy days meant that we gave up sleep to come to the hill through the secret entrance, but it always seemed more alive to us than our real lives. We did a million pointless things: climbing the tallest tree, racing stick-and-leaf flying machines, spotting fish in little ponds by flashlight.
One night she arrived with beautiful flowers in her hair and a tear-soaked face.
“What is it?” I asked.
“Nothing. Let’s make a pebble fort.”
We gathered pebbles from the hill’s bottom, but I was worried about her. Both of us built the fort quietly. I noticed flashlights shining, approaching, but she was absorbed in slipping flowers in between the cracks in the pebble pile. She took my hand and looked at me like she wanted to disappear into a crack, too.
I looked at the lights behind her, growing brighter and understood… so the real world knew, and was coming.
“No – the pebble fort isn’t finished – ”
She pushed me down the hill.
The last I saw was her squinting against the lights on her face, and the pebble fort coming apart at the tip of her foot, cascading down the hill like a landslide. I ran away from my childhood.
Now, right now, the sky is turning dark, but I don’t think she’s coming. So I busy myself with gathering pebbles, and rebuild my past, alone.
And then, the sun finally and truly set on my pebble fort for the first and last time.
I had good comments on the story that noted it was "sweet" and "nostalgic". DYA? EYA.
Suprise suprise, the title doesn't even have a link to the contents of this post AT ALL. Since my previous colourful post accidentally *coughs* caused unprovoked seizures to a few unlucky (in more ways than one) individuals, I have decided to make this post LESS COLOURFUL. And as such today's post will be on, yes you did not guess it, Epilepsy! So here's a report on Epilepsy brought to you by none other than Dr. Lime :
Epilepsy (and the shit that comes with it)
As stated in Wikipedia,
Epilepsy is a common chronic neurological disorder that is
characterized by recurrent unprovoked seizures. These seizures are transient
signs and/or symptoms due to abnormal, excessive or synchronous neuronal
activity in the brain. About 50 million people worldwide have epilepsy at any
one time. Epilepsy is usually controlled, but not cured, with medication,
although surgery may be considered in difficult cases. Not all epilepsy
syndromes are lifelong – some forms are confined to particular stages of
childhood. Epilepsy should not be understood as a single disorder, but rather as
a group of syndromes with vastly divergent symptoms but all involving episodic
abnormal electrical activity in the brain.
This, I am happy to report, is total bull. MY own definition is more ACCURATE.
Hope this report was useful.Epilepsy is a very common excuse used by human
beings of varied age (usually between 7 to 12 and 25 to 55) to simply not do work that are assigned to them. This means that they 'cannot' watch documentaries, do homework or sit in front of the computer (though
they have been found to be able to read colourful magazines, watch colourful videos and play colourful games). They claim that bright and flashing lights will bring about 'unprovoked' seizures, though the presence of tasers near almost every sufferer of Epilepsy is damning evidence of the degree of 'unprovoke'-ness of these seizures in the first place. Therefore if you come across any of these human beings who claim to suffer Epilepsy, I reccomend
calling either NASA, at (713) 483-3111. Explain
to them that it is crucial that they send those suffering from Epilepsy to the nearest farthest planetin the nearest farthest galaxy. If you can't, and don't have any other alternative, call the Institute of Mental Health at which ever number you are able to press with you're handphone/ house phone/ pager/ PSP/ MP3/ MP4/ MP5/ Bible/ Quran/ \etc. Tell them that they have a new patient.Hope you enjoyed this report and found it to be useful in any way.
Monday, July 7, 2008
So long, and thanks for all the lawers.
I firmly believe there is no such thing as freedom. Because one man's freedom impedes onto another's. Like how much is a person's right to smoke as much as a person suffering from some lung disease i cannot pronounce has his right of clean, fresh, air. Not that there was much of that clean air to go around in the first place.
People only think that what THEY want done is considered the FREEDOM they deserve. Sorry, but if you want sex, get a life, or at the least, an internet access for pete's sake. People complain all the time about freedom of speech. ( DUM DUM DUM DUM) FYI, there is none. Never was, never will be. Because of the simple theory stated earlier. The way I see it, we have as much freedom as we could possibly have. There is a direct relationship between happiness and stability.
Simply put,
:) = instability
:( = stability
As what Alodous Huxley has written in his remarkable book " Brave New World" I quote from World Controller Mustapha Mond " Art, Science - you seen to have paid a fairly high price for your happiness" Why ask for more? BECAUSE WE CAN ( or can't for that matter). Greed is good. As good as typing that in Warcraft without the spacing giving you infinite money. Sure, the society we live in isin't the happiest , nor is it the safest, but thats the price you pay for rights. If rights mean that i must blow limbs off enemies and throw atomic bombs , GO AHEAD. I'll fight to the grave for them even if I don't even know half of what they are, and thats a fact.
I love instability, as much as I love freedom, telling me that I have to take that away for something so insignificant as "happiness" BALLS I TELL YOU.
But neither is our society that free, so WHERE IS OUR BLOODY SACRIFICE.
But on a lighter, conclusive note, I am satisfied neither am I complaining. History thought me that Stalin's regimes are way worse and NEVER will they be repeated. Not on my watch.
We are as free as society allows, and thats saying something, a good thing.
- Panzerz
Fresh ideas are ideally wanted here. The five founding fathers and our Pebble Fort. Kind of like the idea of how this idea is birth towards.
The meaning of the stuff like 'PebbleFort' and '99 bottles of beer on the wall' will be revealed soon. All you need to know that it is profound and we are all profound people.
Alternative blog names
cawksure.blogspot.com (to demonstrate our irrepressible arrogance)
nicecawk.blogspot.com (inspired by a catchphrase me and a friend, _Zephyre_ liked to befuddle people with)
TOFU suggested names inspired by Shattered Galaxy clans
cumpass.blogspot.com (suggested after Lime said that leftrightcentre was too compass-like)
penisland.blosp - just kidding.
We agreed that the name could be something we could forgive ourselves for ten years down the road (which threw weloveteamfortress2.blogspot.com right out the airlock).
The Pebble Fort is the name of a 500-word story I wrote for a competition this year. It looks very briefly at a close relationship atop a secret hill, where the protagonists built a fort out of rocks, pebbles, sticks, etc. I just pulled it out of my ass at random (the same procedure I use when talking and gifting people chocolate kisses) and the the rest of the blog authors were like "You're so smart Nosey"(of course). So anyway, pebblefort.blogspot.com is the last name I expected. I'll post the story here someday soon.
First poast!
Anyway, why the fuck am I being pompous? AHAHHAH LOLOLOLOLOL COCK LOLOLOLOL
We'll be sharing our thoughts (and shit) on this blog. Updates will not be regular and subject to our individual preferences. The topic of each post will also be subject to aforementioned preferences, so don't be freaked if you see one article praising God one day and the next one promotes full sexual freedoms (and then the next one is about Panzer Tanks WTF?). So yeah, it'll be fun. More information as we iron out stuff.
So let's get the ball rolling already aiight? Good good. So far we have not one, but two posts! ONLY if you include this post. So what's the topic gonna be...? I'll make you ignorant human beings guess now shall I?
Is it...:
The use of nuclear arms in war?
School? (how gay)
None of the above?
Now ladies and gentlemen, if you chose any of the above, then you are seriously in need of some ALIEN THERAPY. Yes, that which I have bolded and coloured in a gay coloured font. Not to worry. It doesn't hurt, much. So the question that will inevitably come to your mind would be: "Where in the world / hell / God's name / Allah's name / Comrade Lee's name / Mother's name / etc name do I get this therapy? Once again, fret not. The answer lies in watching these said movies, for these are a form of therapy for US humans, of course.
Graygl Horcoot (“The Plowman’s Scat”)
The Plowman’s Scat shows us one ocean-cycle in the life-test of wizard Unye. Unye is comfortable-sounding, broad, and says fathomable ideas, all of which make him a big talking point for his local newspaper equivalent, a periodical information digest that’s basically a handful of rocks (“Gorcoot”). Early in the film, we realize that Unye is perpetrating an elaborate trick (“Morcoot”) on himself that essentially amounts to murdering one’s own sense of reason, but it involves doing so without one’s own knowledge (critically, that lack of knowledge doesn’t mean the same as our words ‘unconscious’ or ‘subconscious’, because it is a person’s alternate mind (people from Unye’s planet have two or seven minds) that is murdering the primary mind’s sense of reason). Morcoot is also a serious crime, and so detective-type guys are on Unye’s tail for much of the film waiting for him to slip up. (Attempted Morcoot is actually a capital offense, so if one of Unye’s alternate minds is found guilty of it, Unye — including all his minds (except his graygl mind (roughly, “plowman’s” mind)) — will be executed.) But so then at this point we lose track of Unye and the film spends some time documenting horcoot erosion and levitation (basically, “scat” erosion and levitation). At the end, there’s a massive spinning horcoot erosion accompanied by a clanging sound called “gerg”. As an editorial aside, it should be mentioned that this ending was considered by viewers to be a sensational O. Henry-style finale along the lines of Citizen Kane’s.
Pazd (“Swirls”)
Pazd tells a story whose primary characters are pools of colored light. In a bit of technical spiffery culturally similar to the advent of 3-D specs in Earth cinema, Pazd is shown without using light of any kind. In the opening scenes, an oblong pool of burgundy light undulates. At a point roughly equivalent to the end of act one, the “viewer” realizes that the pool of light isn’t burgundy, but yellow. This instigates a chain of events in which the yellow pool of light (first perceived to be burgundy) reveals a blue pool of light underneath it. During the film’s final 30 hours, several hairpins in the script expose that (a), the blue pool of light may simply be a refraction of the yellow pool; (b), the yellow pool is in fact burgundy, as initially perceived; (c), the blue pool is a refraction of a different yellow pool; and finally that (d), this other yellow pool is burgundy.
Stron Poar (“The Ambitious Animal”)
In Stron Poar, an animal resembling a much-larger horse (a stron) is fixated on the notion of “raxia”. Impossible to translate literally, “raxia” means roughly “countenance”, with the additional sense of “moderation”. The stron determines to submit itself to a series of tests, called “iax”, which if failed result in “lengthening”, similar to our idea of death; but if passed will allow the stron to “pronounce raxia” (which involves literally enunciating the word “raxia”). In the first test, the stron must fall into a “wind tube”. It succeeds. In the second test, the stron must “refute this”, which the stron does. Finally, the stron is asked to “refute wind tube”, which the stron very nearly does — a climactic and emotional victory, similar to Rocky going ten rounds with Apollo Creed, that had audiences returning for a second and even third viewing. It must be understood that, speaking physiologically, strons have nothing that we would recognize as an appendage or even an orifice — the closest they come to either is a pad. This makes
refuting the wind tube a tricky affair. Additionally, their equine mane is liquid rather than hair, and can vary in temperature, but during “iax” a stron is not allowed to fluctuate the temperature of its mane.
Any of these three films makes for a very therapeutic session. Trust me. =P
Happy watching then y'all =D
note: Film review courtesy of http://www.wearescientists.com/