Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Bandwagon

Now's MY turn to state my views on freedom, since everyone's doing.

Lime-y says:

"Freedom is a term more commonly used by those who are being oppressed, and would want nothing better than to stop this oppression i.e If you live in a monarchy (bad luck la you) where you're King is some arse who only cares about himself and doesn't treat you and his subjects right, then of course freedom would be rid of that bastard and have a fairer way of ruling you're once monarchy state."

But Orange-y, his alter-ego, has another viewpoint. He says:

"Freedom is also the ability to be the ruler of your own life, destiny and whatnot. So that'd mean no one has a say on what you do, which means that you can do as you please. It is in THIS context where freedom can become a veeeeeeeeeery veeeeeeeeeeeery veeeeeeeeeeery veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery veeeeeeeeeeeery veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery veeeeeeeeeeeeeery veeeeeeeeeeery dangerous thing. Yes. Freedom can = danger. How?

Let's say there's this guy A who hates this other guy B. So one day guy B really pisses the jizz out of guy A, and so cause guy A can do absolutely whatever he pleases, he decides to go and nuke guy B and in the process, kill several million people in the surrounding area cause everyone can own nuclear rockets cause they can do as they please.

But please please note the exaggeration and the ridiculousness of this example, as i shows an extreme situation, no? It is to show that freedom is only abused in the most extreme of cases, when TOTAL freedom is given to everyone, which was what I believe Tofu was trying to say. But seriously Tofu, not everyone can own nuclear rockets now can they...? Get my point...?"

Now that I've enlightened you ignorant citizens of Singapore, go stop faking Epilepsy seizures and...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I refuse to do "I'm homework".