Wednesday, July 16, 2008

We are as free as caged birds.

Now I know it seems that I'm writing this just to join in the hullabaloo about freedom despite the fact 80% of all my posts since the creation of this blog has been about rights and of course the buzzword of the day: Freedom.

You're pretty right. It would seem dumb not to take part.

Now freedom is not about whats written on the dictionary, neither is it COMPLETE and total rule over whatever you do. I must admit, there are some guidelines to follow. We live in democracy, where freedom should be tolerated but to what extent? Thats where constitution comes in. There are also guidelines, like how you should not change 1+1=2 and say its equal to 3. Facts cannot be changed. However, humans are not numbers, we are not recurring phenomenons of male and female, we are special. We have personality, we have ideas, we have opinion.

Anyways what I am trying to say is that if your oppressive government won't stop you, society will. Governments have not killed witches or burned undesirables, society has. A small village of which "morals" and "values" taught by religion have "cleansed" them to becomming model villagers where men fish, women cook, and males like females. Many sociologists as well as conspiracy theorists have discovered by few dare say. I quote from the film ZEITGEIST "religion has more influence than any form of government, even more influence than the truth." There is no freedom here, as there is no need. Everyone thinks the same, witches are bad, king is good, their little utopia. The only reason why we never accepted freedom of sexuality was because we deemed it wrong. At first, it did seem wrong, how can gays reproduce? Thats werid. But as SCIENCE progresses, we learn that it is hormonal and mental, as much as in some cases, physical. We start to accept it for what it is, not what it wasn't.

America, is a good example of the old world where is it suicidal if presidential candidates are non-believers. They start to suspect anyone who isin't. GAYS ARE JUST WRONG? Now, who in history first said this? In a world where everyone is different, this breeds liberalism. We are not lambs that can be herded around, we are individuals who have unique fingerprint and DNA(except for twins).

The only way freedom in democracy can succeed is if humans are open-mindend enough and rational enough. Humans are rational creatures. We must learn to give and take. WE MUST LEARN TO ACCEPT. However some do abuse, and if you truly believe in freedom, do not stop him.

Anyway, I believe humans are mature enough to understand PERSONAL boundaries, such as belief, opinion, and personality. I do not impose what I feel is right upon others. I let them decide, even is it a wrong decision, for it was their freedom. It was Hitler's abused freedom to kill, no matter how wrong, and the British's to stop them. There is no right and wrong. There is only opinion. Is is your freedom to hate homosexuals and their actions, i respect that as much as you have the social obligation to respect my beliefs. I am not sitting on the fence, I am respecting everyone, despite how much they do not deserve it. If the liberals trying to promote freedom impose their ideas onto others, they are but liars. Their only purpose to "win" the argument and prove they are right and someone else is wrong. This is also how anti-heroes like Batman are born.

There is only opinion. There is only opinion.


1 comment:

Giant said...

well than god for your opinion man..