(Please read the post below this one; I recently posted my O Level English composition, and if you read it and tell me you like it I will get a hard on.)
Rest assured, The following post is safe for reading. Unless your parents are really narrow-minded and oppressive, you could probably use this for a bedtime story or something. If you have a pretty good idea what 4chan is, just skip the next three paragraphs, though I'd have a bigger boner if you didn't.
Once again re-iterating for the unwashed: 4chan is a diverse and popular imageboard (that means people go there to post images). It is divided into many sections, including Anime, Torrents, Guns, Artwork, Music, Video Games, Transportation, etc. Most users remain anonymous, thus avoiding some measure of e-drama. The most well known section is /b/, the Random section of the imageboard, which cultivates a mess of memes (little fads and recurring jokes), insensitivity-on-purpose, running the gamut from bare honesty to hardcore trolling. It's the source of the recent anti-Scientology movement dubbed "Project Chanology" (which involves rickrolling the Church of Scientology).
It's an interesting community - your petite safe society's rules don't apply. In fact, 4chan's citizens were probably the first to make fun of things like September 11, suicides (emo kids), rape, and all that stuff nobody decries or has an alternative view on in public. That's just it - 4chan is alternative. It's a haven for people to dump all the socially unacceptable things they have in their heads. It's the backlash from society's oppressive "follow the crowd" force.
/d/ is the section for Hentai/Alternative. You thought Hentai was bad? /d/ is where the really /d/eviant stuff go. BDSM (wikipedia it), mixing of genders (please don't ask), monsters, tentacle monsters (hohoho), ridiculous stretching of body parts... I'll stop here. Sorry to those who have good imaginations.
So tonight I was skipping around /d/, with my parents in bed and me not in bed. I found a thread where the theme was "Left to come forever" which basically translates into "leaving bound helpless females with vibrators in them FOREVAR" or perhaps more accurately: "Forced orgasms without a male in the picture". Anyway, the downright crazy pictures posted aren't what I want to highlight.
Early into the thread someone called the idea of forced orgasms as "weird". According to him/her, without a consenting mind, you can't orgasm. Other people thought differently: "Stimulation is stimulation", someone said. "...it is possible to force women to orgasm even if they're not in the mood/mentally stimulated."
If you still think this is an argument about orgasms (a moderator actually thought that the issue was with how erotic the fetish was), I suggest you think a little deeper.
"There was actually a well-known rapist in the states who thought that since he made them orgasm, it wasn't really rape... just because you have an orgasm doesn't mean you wanted it."
The shit began flying from this post on (shortened and removed some posts, Note that there were an indeterminate number of participants, as everyone went by "Anonymous"):
"There's no way they orgasmed if they didn't want it. They either faked it which, lets face it, isn't hard, or they conceded and -tried- to orgasm because he was oh, threatening their life with a gun or knife. So I suppose in a life-threatening sense you can "force" an orgasm."
"I'm praying to God that you're a troll. How could you possibly say such a thing like that? Women have climaxed while being raped-- they didn't want it or did it to somehow make it end. It just happened. That's how their body responded."
"Well. As someone who has been forced to orgasm during a rape, no, I didn't "want it" at all, in any way, shape, or form. I can't control what my body responds to."
"We are talking about a Situation in which most people wouldn't even feel pain."
"the reality of it all, they have a kink, they don't want to admit. Vibrators probably wouldn't work, unless some1 was watching them, or acting in some sort of way, that acts as their hidden kink."
"@ Everyone who's saying "If they orgasm, they must want it": And people wonder why women (and men) are afraid to report rape?"
"I haven't been raped, but came damn near close to it. Some older ugly ass woman, who probably had every STD known to man, would leave me alone, and trying too hard to whore her self to me. I was disgusted with her, but even so, i still had a hard on."
"and you were physically incapable of defense? Rape means you are completely at the mercy of the rapist. Sounds to me your experience doesn't even come close."
"Rape is sex without consent. Being able to fight back has nothing to do with it."
"statistically men are more afraid to report rape. they are also statistically more likely to experience some physical symptom of arousal during rape. In the case of anal penetration this is not actually their fault. Stimulation of the prostate will cause the penis to become erect, it's just biology."
"Quite rare to see /d/ go from fetish dump to full on discussion."
Indeed. Roughly half of the Anons were objecting angrily to those who thought that "it's not rape if the victim orgasms". I was really surprised when one of them claimed to have been raped before. After all, this is /d/ - people come here to FAP at pictures of girls getting tied down and raped. Defending rape victims? Them? Could they simply have been lying about being raped before? Something to think about, eh?
Balancing real life with fantasy. It's harder than they portray in the shows - this issue has warranted attention ever since the internet offered people the option of escape. I've been watching porn since Primary 5, yet it doesn't get in the way (well not from this side anyway) when I'm talking to female acquiantances. For this facet at least, I can separate life from fantasy (Mikana is the exception; she bounces all over the spectrum for me).
So exactly how closely does our biology tie into the human intent and emotions? As XKCD put it: Psychology is applied biology. But if free will can override sexual pleasure, what else does it override? How many times has humankind clashed with nature already? Ovary-severing? Is human friendship akin to the cooperation of a buffalo herd or is it more? Sex changes? What is the difference between a romance and a sexual relationship? Domestic partnerships versus traditional marriage? Obviously, these are not simple questions.
Here, have a funny picture.