I feed them bananas. So a day or so ago roystongoh_27@hotmail.com added me on MSN. I didn't know anyone with the name Royston (though if I'm not wrong, there is a Royston at my school, dunno his surname though). So I figured it'd be likely to be someone from GZF. This morning I was greeted warmly by my new contact.
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:46):
fker cb
Nosedigger (MSN is sporadic as hell) - Melanin-laced honey stars with coffee says (10:46):
Of course, being the gentleman that I am, I greeted him back just as sincerely.
Nosedigger (MSN is sporadic as hell) - Melanin-laced honey stars with coffee says (10:46):
y halo thar
Nosedigger (MSN is sporadic as hell) - Melanin-laced honey stars with coffee says (10:47):
i am nicedigger
Nosedigger (MSN is sporadic as hell) - Melanin-laced honey stars with coffee says (10:47):
who is u?
lulz and some head-scratching on my part ensues.
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:47):
u from ccks?
Nosedigger (MSN is sporadic as hell) - Melanin-laced honey stars with coffee says (10:47):
no i from bananaland
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:47):
ban ur lao bu la
Nosedigger (MSN is sporadic as hell) - Melanin-laced honey stars with coffee says (10:47):
the place with unlimited potassium
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:47):
fuck u
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ sent 2008/10/05 10:48:
dun dare say ur sch?
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ sent 2008/10/05 10:48:
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ sent 2008/10/05 10:48:
Nosedigger (MSN is sporadic as hell) - Melanin-laced honey stars with coffee says (10:48):
oh! oh! oh! don't insult my fruits!
Nosedigger (MSN is sporadic as hell) - Melanin-laced honey stars with coffee says (10:48):
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:48):
stupid ass hole
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:48):
u from wat sch
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:48):
say la
Nosedigger (MSN is sporadic as hell) - Melanin-laced honey stars with coffee says (10:48):
the bananas dun liek u anymore
Nosedigger (MSN is sporadic as hell) - Melanin-laced honey stars with coffee says (10:49):
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ sent 2008/10/05 10:49:
fucking face
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ sent 2008/10/05 10:49:
ur whole family dun like u la
Nosedigger (MSN is sporadic as hell) - Melanin-laced honey stars with coffee says (10:49):
but i still have bananas
Nosedigger (MSN is sporadic as hell) - Melanin-laced honey stars with coffee says (10:49):
and potassium
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:49):
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:49):
fuck urfamily upside down la
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:50):
go lick ur mother pussy
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:50):
appear offline no use
^This suggests that Royston isn't very smart, as my MSN nick clearly defines my MSN as sporadic.
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:50):
ur mother kena car bang la hor
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:50):
lan jiao face
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:50):
suck ur father cock
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:50):
and come lick my foot
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:50):
Nosedigger (MSN is sporadic as hell) - Melanin-laced honey stars with coffee says (10:50):
Nosedigger (MSN is sporadic as hell) - Melanin-laced honey stars with coffee says (10:50):
y so meanie
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:50):
who the fuck r u?
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:50):
wat sch?
Nosedigger (MSN is sporadic as hell) - Melanin-laced honey stars with coffee says (10:51):
banana-buddies don't have to go to school
Nosedigger (MSN is sporadic as hell) - Melanin-laced honey stars with coffee says (10:51):
we have each other
Nosedigger (MSN is sporadic as hell) - Melanin-laced honey stars with coffee says (10:51):
and potassium
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:51):
fuck u la
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:51):
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:51):
u goin to die soon
Nosedigger (MSN is sporadic as hell) - Melanin-laced honey stars with coffee says (10:51):
Why so serious?
Nosedigger (MSN is sporadic as hell) - Melanin-laced honey stars with coffee says (10:51):
have some bananas
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:51):
try me if u dare
Nosedigger (MSN is sporadic as hell) - Melanin-laced honey stars with coffee says (10:52):
u shld try bananas
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:52):
i confirm u r who
Nosedigger (MSN is sporadic as hell) - Melanin-laced honey stars with coffee says (10:52):
they are really gd
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:52):
i try ur mother pussy wan?
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:52):
good ur ass la
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:52):
u take ur banana fuck inside ur mother pussy la
Nosedigger (MSN is sporadic as hell) - Melanin-laced honey stars with coffee says (10:52):
but bananas r realli naise
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:52):
help her masturbate
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:53):
can u fuck the shut up?
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:53):
family all die la
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:53):
crazy die
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:53):
i goin to die soon
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:53):
is fine to me
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:53):
He immediately went offline after that. So I did a couple of checks, and one of the places where I make the most "friends" is Youtube. A surprising number of people come to post scathing comments on some of the co-produced toilet humour videos I host on my account, then make multiple accounts to spam downrates. In the comments of one such video:
hg la u wasting sch toilet paper doing this kind of stupid ****ing thing
nosedigger (1 week ago)
Well, you waste toilet paper without entertaining anybody.
Bottom line: Disappointing to know there weren't any epic reasons for all the hate. At least I still have my bananas.

To top it off, I sent him the link to the picture of my bananas as an offline message after he "went offline".
hahahahhaha omg me wanna make fun of him too! xD
an absolute comedic genius.
shows how retarded people can get. makes us all wonder why they have so much effink time to do such stuff. lol
bananas. a new dimension of comedy.
after reading the entire dialogue again, and laughing my shit out again, i got really worried when he said "i goin to die soon". reminds me of several student suicides featured in the news recently..
oh well, at most, it just means that society has ridded itself of some scum
oh my god. That is spastic. Nice going btw. I think he's from the technical class. This is just so fucking entertaining.
Oh god that video is unconstitutional.
its true. he is from the technical class.
and who the fuck cares about the constitution when you are HERE?! NOT THE GODDAMN US OF A!
Strange. I didn't see the 'goin to die' part the first time. Also,
☠x!!a0^royston ☠ says (10:53):
can u fuck the shut up?
Anyways, if he really meant something about suicide, I say just let nature do its thing. It's just natural selection at work and all.
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