First off, what a gay poll. >>>>
SIX genres and you call that a poll? I demand some minority representation. Babies, let me show you my music folder!

Oh, and I forgot the Mandalorian warchants near the top left. Kandosii! =D
Right now I'm listening to quite a lot of K-pop band Epik High, plus bits of the instrumental soundtrack of Heroes of Might & Magic III. The good thing about songs sung in foreign language is that you can pretend that they mean something really profound whereas for English pop you have to suffer the full brunt of their emo shit.
HOMM III music sounds like top-notch stuff someone paid a professional composer and an orchestra to create. About as good as the story behind the games, which makes it formidably epic.
Tatalian Theme
These are the few that are immediately likeable. The rest just grow on you during the game. Ah, HOMM III... good times.
Epik High mixes English lyrics with Korean ones, and has epik music videos to match:
TOFU gave me some free cognac in a essence of chicken bottle last month. Lol. I hear he got grilled by his mother when she found out.
I laughed, and thanks to karma my father found my little cognac store. I was expecting him to have a "man-to-man talk" about alcohol, but instead he asked me if he should buy more essence of chicken for me.
Obviously, being flustered and having absolutely no idea whether Essence of Chicken would really be beneficial, I gave a noncommital answer. And so thanks to commercial-love syndrome, he bought a 12-pack of Essence of Chicken anyway. Wat?
Okay, the packaging says it's got an unique flavour, and it can be served chilled or warm. Today I finally decide to indulge my good ol' dad and come to the breakfast table with one little bottle. Hmm, is that going to be enough? Maybe I should get moar. Instead I get a backup plan: a warm mug of coffee. Mmmm.
How do I open this thing? There's this metal brace ringed around the gorram lid. I try using my fingernails(or my cock) but damn I fear for my fingers(and cock), digging into thin aluminium flaps. I clap my hands and a spoon falls out of the air to my rescue (well okay, it was in the kitchen). I pull out the metal ring. The packaging's next instruction says to leave the ring around the neck and use it to push out the lid. Shit.
Thanks to spoon power, I get the ring where it's supposed to be. However, all manner of pushing up against the ring results in a big steaming pile of nothing. So I say
"FUCK IT" (Drawing my cock from it's holster...)
And fingernail it open. Surprise! The lucsious, smooth, dark golden treasures met the light... utterly exposed to my scantily-clad self (shirt, shorts, panties and a GLOWING ERECTION (no bra)). Sticking little bro in and then drinking it would be like drinking our of my own cock (lol) so I decide to down half first. Parting my tender lips, I tilt my lithe form back and prepare to let it dribble down my... tongue. Yeah. A cool liquid, less chilling than I thought it would be, brushes against my lips and proceeds to invade me. It carresses my - oh, OH SH - HOLY FUCKING SHIT OH SHIT AHHH AHHH SHIT FUCK OH AHHH COFFEE AHHH COFFEE COFFEE I NEED COFEEE
... I feel like I've just been raped.
I poured the Essence of Chicken into my sink. Got eleven left. Anybody want them? For free? D=
Just for a bit more squick(read: cockthrobbing), in case you're unfazed(not excited enough), look up "wakamezake". Have fun! ;D *fondles cognac mischievously*
Yu Haw [like a slap in the face] said:
after all, he says its a "dead language"
Yu Haw [like a slap in the face] said:
but yea, its nice. although i really cant guess what they are more than half the time
Nosedigger (MSN is sporadic as hell) said:
Nosedigger (MSN is sporadic as hell) said:
*cough* Carpo Juvenis *cough*
Yu Haw [like a slap in the face] said:
Yu Haw [like a slap in the face] said:
aww fuck jew!
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!
and the poll options were quite ok. they represent the main genres. its just that we happen to listen to too many to be represented. so you have to choose your fave.
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!
wasn't me who posted that though
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