Thursday, January 21, 2010


Today's chapel service was really great. As usual, since it was the first chapel of the term, we sang the college hymn.

There is a line in the college hymn that goes
They reaped not where they laboured, we reaped what they have sown

This line really spoke to me about how we're always receiving and harvesting from those who went before us. And we owe it to them for our today.

The chapel message was great too. It talked about the mark of a saint. The college's vision is "Every Saint a servant leader". And the pastor talked about what it meant to be a servant leader, and what it meant when we are set apart and recognised by our society by our alumnus and being a servant leader. The qualities, and the fine line we walk. Really spoke to me and aligned me with this vision.

There are just so many things that I can take out of the college before I leave. And I want to make this whole year count.

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