Big shit that happened in 2009 : The end of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
Well good riddance finally to the death of that son-of-bitch leader of the tamil tigers. For years, they have been trying to kill this guy; with commando raids, air assaults, guerrilla warfare and all that. And for so many years, they have failed. A lot of people have said over the past 2 and a half decades that if they manage to kill this guy, they can put an end to the war. And alas, finally this shit is all over. It really shows how one man can make all the difference to a country and indeed the world. Probably the biggest headliner of the year, I'm genuinely encouraged that 25 years of pseudo civil war has come to and end.

We want our tigers for breakfast
Big surprise of 2009: Barack Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize
No kidding, I flipped in my underpants when I heard about this. Firstly, very few politicians ever win the Nobel Peace Prize as a politician in office. Thats because politicians and peace don't go together. But that said, the Nobel Peace Prize to me is just one massive staged show for fun. Think of past awardees like Ang Sang Su Kyii and the Dalai Lama. Like how the hell did they ever contributed to peace in our time?
Well all my cynicism aside, I do believe the award is also very pre-mature. The last US president to get the award: Jimmy Carter didn't even get the award for his term in office. He hasn't done much in terms of deserving a peace prize, but then again, only time and history will tell.

Finally I'll be able to play with aircraft carriers!
The ass holes of 2009: Bernie Madoff rapes all his investors in a Ponzi Scheme
Now honestly, majority of the blame for the recent financial crisis can fall squarely on his shoulders (or people like him for that matter). Powerful, influential, rich and greedy bankers. He started a Ponzi Scheme to scam investors by giving out returns made by other investors. All this made him very, very wealthy. And as a result, Volkswagen buys Porsche and every hedge fund in the world has gone bust. So this financial crisis is because of greedy ass holes like Bernie boy.
It was fun while it lasted you son-of-a-bitch.
Well that was our year. Another normal one in the 21st century. Where no news is news.
1 comment:
you forgot to mention the passing of Michael Jackson, Rey del Pop. I genuinely felt pain in my testicle when I first heard it.
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