Monday, December 1, 2008

Two interesting dreams

One wedding cake designer I called said, 'We specialize in elaborate beautiful white flowers all over the cake.' I warned her, 'I should tell you, this is for two men.'
There was a slight pause and she said, 'I can put little baseball players all over it?'
Mark Harris

Love knows no gender.
Hugh Goldring

(Non-LGBT post ahead, for people who are squeamish or just adverse to gay jokes.)
First one: Okay, the story is a little hazy, but basically my protagonists are two shaolin monks gone rogue for a certain quest. I'm watching the whole thing in cinematic format. The two monks approach a curtain, and as they do, a load of monks appear out of thin air around them, levitating. Our protagonists let out exclamations of "This is impossible!" And double-time it backwards to a safe spot.

So once they think they're safe, they begin discussing their next move. One of the rogue monks says, "I know what we must do. We must hunt down every individual shaolin monk before we can continue!"

In a determined voice, his partner in rogue-monk-stuff agrees. "We must find and kill EVERY SINGLE SHAOLIN MONK IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!"

Then, a whole ****load of shaolin monks step out of the shadows in front of them, exactly the amount they asked for, and one of them says, "You rang?"

One of the rogue monks then rather weirdly requests that the top monk, Shen Li or something like that, come forward to fight them. He does, brandishing a huge-ass sword. Then the rogue monks assault him both at once. They win. Then the rest of the world's monks descend upon them in a big orgasmic orgy.



The other dream was totally different. Me and my sister are sitting on opposite side of a large wooden box. Behind us are my parents, who are arguing, or doing something and failing at it - I can't remember much except that the end is coming very very soon.

So I have my handphone, and rather casually for someone who's about to die, play Mandy Moore's Top Of The World. My sister asks if that's the last song I'm ever playing. I answer no. We sit there together, handphone on the box, us beside it, listening quietly.

The song finishes, and I play Epik High's Umbrella. I state that this is the last song. Umbrella is a truly amazing in that though it's 90% Korean lyrics, the sad lament of the song filters through just fine. And it's amazing. And sad, not just on that level, but on a more personally relevant one.

I think the dream comes apart after that.

PS: Got the translation of Umbrella at last. It's about a buttload of loneliness, and two people who used to be like umbrellas over each other's heads, as shields from "the cold world". Depending on how you see it, the song can also be about relationships as an enjoyable distraction from reality, an "umbrella" if you will. But the umbrella becomes "big and awkward", so yeah, I guess it's very appropriate for my upcoming SYF play as well.
Music Video:


K said...

Wait..your last song is some emo song by some gay Korean Boyband? C'mon you can do better than that

the author said...

It has emo-sounding lyrics, sure. But I choose to interpret it further as something extolling the danger of letting a happy relationship cloud unhappy truths (which come back and bite you in the ass). The music itself is epic good too, and that's frequently THE factor.

Balancing it out is my interest in Aussie Hip Hop

the author said...

yo homies

LimeX20A said...

well, frankly sepaking if you listen to music which is in a language you dont understand, then more often than not you'd only be attracted to the sound of the songs, and not the lyrics.

Giant said...

actually, as long as the song causes you to release your "happy hormones" or endorphins, u love it. lol.

i wish to point out that there are many songs titled Top of the World, and i fail to see Mandy Moore's version documented anywhere

and just wondering, were the dreams in colour, or grayscale, or some sort of a mix between the 2?

the author said...

Giant: Yeah Mandy Moore's version was a bitch to find. I had to torrent a whole album of hers and dig.

Dreams always in colour, never grayscale.