Wednesday, November 5, 2008

First from space

Lucky me, I got today to observe America as the votes come in. With the new media internet and useful television channels like Channel News Asia, I can see the votes coming in almost like a diety.

I checked out a few youtube videos from Americans who give their own two cents on what they think of this election. Some videos useful and serious while most others were light hearted son of a bitch kinda comedy. It almost touches me when I see veterans who lost their legs and etc to support McCain. These veterans say American must understand that America made the commitment to defending world liberty. John F. Kennedy made that commitment and Americans have stuck by it since. But now that they created such a mess in Iraq, and its still their responsibility to clean things up: the reason why I do not support Obama's pull out policy. Apparently, the soldiers and veterans supports John McCain because they can relate to his fighting spirit and his tenacity. It almost angers me to see black rappers endorsing Obama in music videos and etc. Come on you punks, you just sit in Hollywood and make a video and you know nothing about the American Dream. In these times of crisis, America must show its character in "paying any price, to defend the survival of democracy in the world". Give the troops their leader.

Americans are taking to the polls in record numbers. A prove that the race issue plays a big part. America is still largely a white nation. White voters will vote to keep Obama out, black voters will vote to keep McCain out. We are going to see a revolution. Now, this is democracy.

"The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all."
- John F. Kennedy
Don't be ignorant.


the author said...

Wait, you're pissed at black people making music videos for Obama?

Just because you're legless and have fought in a war, doesn't automatically make you a lot more qualified to choose a leader.

TOFU said...

it makes you mroe qualified to chose a commander in chief

K said...

But "singing" about alcohol, drugs and sex automatically makes you UN-qualified to choose a good leader.

I'm a Republican, but like other Republicans this year, I accept the fact that Reagan's dead and Ron Paul's not nominated. And McCain has a far more mature foreign policy. Obama just wants to ga BACK to Afganisthan and run around in circles but then again, his policies on healthcare and oil is utter bullshit, drilling in America is not going to save them, it'll only make it worse.

Anyway, Obama's winning, looks like the middle class has spoken.

K said...

I meant McCain's policies on oil and healthcare.

the author said...

A commander in chief in a type of leader.

K said...

Fox called Obama wins

Giant said...

for the record, black rappers and celebrities embody the American dream. the American dream the republicans subscribe to. every man (and woman) for himself. u make it big. good for u.

And simply because you are a double amputee cos u pigheadedly step on some buried mine doesn't make u anymore the wiser.

Oh, and Panzer? You claim to be an ANARCHIST and a REPUBLICAN at the same time. WOW

LimeX20A said...

will.iam made a song of one of Obama's speech. he said that he felt the speech was meaningful to him and he wanted to spread its message to the youths. he also quoted great names like lincoln, and said that he wanted youths these days to do like what he did in his day as a youth himself in school; recite them because of what they meant. so you still pissed?

K said...

Remember the Northern Irish joke?

"Protestant atheist or Catholic atheist?"

And I think you should read up on Republicanism, and try not to judge the GOP based on most of the Republicans of today. They're just dumb evangelicals.

K said...

Anyway, thanks for helping me find my political Allegiance. I guess the world isin't ready for Anarchism.

Giant said...

anarchism CANNOT work in this world. not with humans anyway.