Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Its over

John McCain lost his bid for presidency. And for an old man like him, his doesn't have any time to campagin anymore.

All who saw McCain's speech at Pheonix, Arizona would have been really encouraged. In his speech to thank his supporters and to concede defeat, he urged his supporters to rally behind their new president. He congratulated and praise Obama for his tencity and perseverance in mantaining his campagin. Admist the boos of the crowds, he continued to urge them that America has spoken and that they should all look forward to a brighter future.
It was a great speech. He was a great loser.
In his speech, he mentions that he already has the honour of serving his country for half and century, and "that is enough by itself".
"The failure is mine, not yours," was what he told his supporters.
He recognised the African-American community and mentioned he knows its a proud moment for them...

That wraps up John McCain's bid for presidency which started in earnest in 1998 or 1999.
A true patriot to his country, I will never forget some of his words in that stirring speech.
America has spoken. God bless America.


Anonymous said...

God bless him. He made me proud. He stood as what he is, an officer and a gallant gentleman.

Giant said...

yep. i must admit, i felt my tear glands at work while i watched him up there. as for ms palin? tell her and her pregnant teenage daughter and her pro-life policies and her stupidity to stay in Alaska, preferably in a sealed ice cave. Amen.

LimeX20A said...

i watched his speech. he really is a gracious loser.

LimeX20A said...

i watched his speech. he really is a gracious loser.

TOFU said...

its because he is a true patriot; a soldier. You can fight all you want during the road to presidency. But now that Obama won, McCain being the military man, graciously surrender and listen to his commander in chief. Expected behavior from a naval aviator like him.

K said...

Is it just me or isn't all the "Ok I've lost" speeches like that?

the author said...

Well, it sure DOESN'T make sense to make yourself look like a sore loser. So I kind of expected the loser to bow out graciously about as much as I expect Mikana to be hot. (which is approx. 88.9% chance)

This discussion is now about waffles and *dirty* chairs.