I really shouldn't have watched this movie, nor should I be here typing this post, for I should be studying for Social Studies if I really want to get a A1 for my Combined Humanities.
But since I have watched the movie, which was shown on TV yesterday, its too late for regrets now.
As I watched the "Freedom" and "Independence" take off into space, my childhood dream came back to me. What dream? Being an astronaut of course. After all, breaking free of Earth's tight grip on us has to be the most extreme form of flight you can ever imagine, right? Imagine going on the wildest, most hair-raising roller coaster ride you have been on and multiply it by ten, and even then, it might not even be enough to grasp the G forces acting on you. I'm no physicist, nor do I take physics, but I do know that those G forces will undeniably give you one heck of a ride.
DAMN! I wish it was me up there.
But wait. Oh shit.. I don't think my heart can make it... Damn.
And being paranoid me, I think I would be scared shitless when faced with the many perils of space travel.
And damn... what if it explodes? Oh crap.
But please, this movie is really nice, so don't let me change your fantasies about space or the movie. Just take this post with a pinch of salt, pepper, sugar, spice, and everything nice.
Oh, I am aware its an old movie, so yea... I love old stuff.
I always confuse this movie with Deep Impact... those two are both movies I remember fondly as big rocks slamming into ocean and killing over 9000 people. I like death. I also eat red meat. For breakfast.
this movie always remind me of aerosmith's don't wanna miss a thing
because that song was the song for the movie? LOL
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