Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Octocat Adventure

Octocat Adventure is one of those millions of little miniseries out on Youtube. The good thing about it is, it's one of those shows where things evolve from retarded lulz to extra epic. It's supposedly created by a 9 year old prodigy named Randy Peters and features a (at first glance) simple plot involving an octopus-cat hybrid looking for his parents in the most retarded juvenile way possible. However, eventually I got the feeling that something more was afoot, like Mr. Peters was trying to communicate something subtle.

Here you are, five very short episodes that can be finished in one sitting.
Randy Peters' Youtube page

And after you've finished the absolutely epic last episode (which I assure you is not completely retarded juvie humour) and are looking for answers to your WTF, go here.

WATCH IT FAGGOTS. lifesucks takedrugs


K said...

I'm assuming you know that it was not made by a kid by the name of Randy Peters. It was an eperiment by this animator who wanted to prove that even with the suckiest execution, audiences could still like Octocat as they do now.

Till episode 3 is was ROFOL but after Octocat killed the spcae worm fro saying Octocat had no parents till he was all alone in episode 5. I must admit..I was moved. Maybe there isin't a deeper meaning in this guy's works but if a Randy Peters really had existed, then I really feel for him (not in a condesending way of course)

Thanks for sharing this.

LimeX20A said...

Just after watching the series, right off my hat I can say that the moral of the story is to keep moving forward...?

Well that's my assumption. Haven't looked at th answers for my WTFs yet lols.

And episode 4 ending was saaaaad =(

LimeX20A said...

It's... It's...
