Wednesday, September 10, 2008

GunZ, GunZ, GunZ - A (Relatively) Quick History (Part 2)

One of me and Zephy's more acrobatic sex romps

Continued from here

With the influx of new players, North American company ijji decided now would be a good time to rake in the cash. They weren't wrong. Prenium medkits and armour in exchange for "Gcoins" quickly became a must-have for all top clans and players who wished to circumvent the massive disadvantage they had against prenium-wielding players. The learning curve, which had been deep before, took a turn for the worse with the popularity of Reload Shot, which turned shotguns from semi-automatics to more or less fully automatic. The philosophy of guerilla tactics and tactical moves went out the window in favour of a more aggressive, and unfortunately, more effective playstyle that demanded keen aim and how fast one could press your keys without messing up.

GunZ had hitherto been unbalanced: Nobody official made much of an attempt to make all kinds of play equal. Shotguns and revolvers were the weapon to have; rifles were niche, MGs weren't serious, SMGs were crap, and pistols were worse than useless. Kodachis just took up unnecessary space. Beginners new to GunZ would find more experienced players dominating them on the scoreboard all the time: the players who had no preniums were turning to innocent newcomers to satisfy their lust to at least win someone. The trend that was Attack and Defend turned most maps played to a single map, Mansion, where the nooks and hiding places of the map were ignored in favour of teams taking turns to come into a small room and spam shotguns in a lethal but repetitive bloodbath. The people who held the top spots now weren't particularly smart or unique: just Maplestory veterans who had transferred their finger durability to another game.

Thanks to clans, feuds were no longer one-on-one affairs and developed into massive e-drama and crying all over GunZ forums. People who had heard of the checkered GunZ history aspired to be great; unfortunately, most of them were extremely stupid people who tried to "make" their own styles, despite that very few could comprehend a basic 3D engine; they squabbled on irrelevant things and became desperate for attention. In simple, painless terms, the community went back to a group of toddlers crying over chocolate. In any case, the amount of new things to do with the never-updated GunZ engine seemed to saturate and flicker out with any spark of creativity. Still, the developers made no move to introduce anything new and spent their time on other games and skinning new preniums.

GunZFactor Forums is a shadow of it's old self: once the leading ship in all things GunZ, a powerful community, now disjointed, forgotten, plagued with spamming, trolling, and people who post porn because they hate the moderators more than anything else in the world. The GZF staff is leaving left and right, and thanks to the new official ijji forums, all new, young, unscarred life falls into the cesspit of "I MAED A NEW STYLE" "GM we need prenium meds to be free" "FREE HACKS HERE" "selling lvl 60 acc with prems" "D-Style sux!" "Australians need to gtfo" "look at this funny picture" "ban Signapore/Malaysa/EU players/Aussies becos they lag" "funnyboy93 is a f0ckin n00b!".

Recently, Korean and Indian GunZ versions closed down. A promised Filipino version has not appeared. The International edition has not received a patch for months and months and by all accounts there are hackers in every game room. GunZ has reached as high as it can go. It's gone now.

Stay tuned for my evil genius plans for GunZ.

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