I feel like talking about my day before anything else, ADD-saturated whore I am. English Oral (conversation) was okay for me. Which is bad. Oral should be GORRAMFRAKKING PRO, not "okay". They asked me about my favourite hairstyle, of all things. After a quick few sentences on the practicality of baldness, I began talking about why the fuck hairstyles are important at all. Then they asked me about CCTVs and cams in public places, and I basically went rehashing the same point continually; by the time I found myself again it was too fucking late.
But fuck that! On to the randomness.
I want to introduce you to a neat little webcomic called XKCD. It's written by an intellectual, but more importantly, he's pro at random and his serious ones are nice too. So! A few samples (quick load times, no worries):
The infamous picture that sparked all the GB2Kitchen jokes:

Next week I'll organize by theme. A random image will also serve as my epigraph from now on.
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