Saturday, August 16, 2008

The 7 Things We Hate About You

No offense to all women out there. And please, do not send your ultra-secret Feminist Ninjas after me for writing this.

1. Mood swings
We never know what is gonna happen next..
Even if it is just a minute.

God.. you take forever.
And the privilege is limited to only you.

As usual.
Completely Insatiable.

The noise you generate.
Completely intolerable

I don't know if its your excitement to prove anything, but seriously, why jump at every small thing? Especially since you have no idea what is going on.

If we can produce flash drives like women's brains, we have officially pulled off a miracle.

Why must you keep putting on acts?
Explains why women are coveted actresses..

These are just some. And really, its no wonder homosexuality is on the rise these days. Especially amongst men. Lucky for me, I have my fingers in both pies. And I'm liking it too.


the author said...

8. Lousy food
Spend more time in the kitchen please

TOFU said...

Nice post. i swear.
I laughed to myself at the last paragraph. ROFL

Giant said...

thanks. even though i fail to see what was so funny in my own post. lol.
can i post my sexually explicit fictional works here?

LimeX20A said...

LOL erm erm dunno lei.