Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Returning to writing

I know I have never properly completed a single script, a full-length play. This time I'll do it. Why? Because this holiday was the not the gaming-day-after-day holiday of old; I did things this time. I did some things I'm not so happy with, but I did a few things that I am proud of, and even though everyone is moving faster and has their head starts, I feel like I'm in the race again.

I have to write and stage a play by July. I have already promised a few people, and some of these people I care about what they think of me. So yes, I'm losing my carefree childhood expanse. But I'd much less like losing some of the people I've gotten to know. There are stakes now and I can't drop out this time.

And besides, I'm starting to think having a crush might be healthy for me.

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