Saturday, May 22, 2010

Dreams - An old essay

Here's what I dug out over the weekend while cleaning out my desk, an essay I wrote back in Sec 4 (2008) that was nicely printed out. I read it and thought it to be one of my better ones, so I've decided to reproduce it here.
Dreams are an integral part of our daily life. When we sleep, our minds process our aspirations, our hopes, our experiences, and then them into dreams. Dreams are the fictional state of reality, where our unconsciousness takes over. The same can be said for reality, and the people in it. When attending boring seminars or meetings, we daydream, thinking of what we would do, what we would rather do, or where we would rather be. In the journey of life, we often dream to be better, dream to have better things, dream to be somewhere else, and dream to be someone else.

I have had many dreams. Once, I remember finding myself limbless, in another, had sprouted wings and was on my way to visit the Moon. Of course, we all know that such dreams are mere imaginations, and impossible. Yet, we all find ourselves dreaming unconsciously, and more often than not, uncontrollably.

Scientists, the very people we turn to shed light on the darkness and the unknown in this world we live in. Scientists, despite decades of existence, still have yet to turn out concrete results as to why we dream. Some say these dreams are the result of an active mind spewing out random ideas and memories while we sleep, and consequently, a dream is formed. Others allege that dreams are actually visions of the future, while to others dreams are their connections to the supernatural. Another common conception of dreams is that these dreams are the opposite of what is going to happen to our lives. Of course, we have no way of knowing who is right, and who is wrong.

While we have no idea as to what dreams are, dreams might not necessarily be detrimental to us. Dreams are goals, goals which we impose upon ourselves. A target, which we force ourselves to reach, and it is thought such determination of humans, that dreams are able to enter reality. It is thought such determination of humans, that dreams are able to enter reality. It is through the dreams of men such as Bill Gates, the Wright Brothers, and Nelson Mandela. It is because such men, who had a simple dream, and had the desire to carry it out, that made our world the world it is now.

Dreams have also affected our past, as well as our present. Soothsayers and oracles in ancient days would use drug-induced dreams to foretell the events which would dictate the course of history. This is apparent in Ancient Greece, where kings and generals frequently consulted their oracles in hopes that the gods would advice them well through the oracles' dreams.

Therefore, while we do not know the exact origins of dreams, we owe much of our lives to these strange and mysterious dreams of ours.
12 May 2008
I also note that penciled at the top of the paper was "Draft", so what the final looked like I have no idea.

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