Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fucking finally

The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
Alan Kay

The past few weeks have been a landslide. 4 months' worth of lectures and fully-fledged projects crammed into 7 weeks is no joke. I created a small film production in a matter of days, wrote lengthy essays into the dawn, got to know a few more people, and it wasn't all fun, but it was exhilarating, and it was important. This is the result of a choice, something Secondary School couldn't provide me much of. I began to leave sec school behind the moment DPA results came in.

One thing I always hate about many schools is how they try to mix idealism and pragmatism. They tell you that everyone can go on to a bright future. So many people can't. They just can't.

I guess I feel betrayed and misled. Though I'm not much for school loyalty, it was still a kick in the shins when Ms Z told me over the phone that she wasn't going to help me get through the gate because she was in a bad mood.

Now, unless we have a signed form committing us to servicing our school further, we're not allowed in. We've been living half our lives in that place for 4 years and suddenly I'm locked out. Ms Z said it was my own fault. Maybe it is.

Well, fuck it. Most of the people I liked in there are either moving on or gone. Only people left have strings, or they're the kind of scum that TOFU encountered. The Drama Club's glory time is over. Geia's over, India's over, Mikana's over, Ms Aza is over, I moved a lot of MSN contacts into the obselete group, gonna finish a few last favours and I'm done. I'm through.

Next project.


Giant said...

well, keep on keepin' om

Jia Sai said...

now you know.

TOFU said...

life sucks, take drugs.

LimeX20A said...

get high! Tripped's the way to go.