As you might or might not have noticed, the current colour scheme of the blog has been changing slightly more regularly than before. The reason, is simply because yours truly here has decided to take it upon himself to try and make up for the lack of any apparent cool skin found here.
You might now be wondering that if so, why not just go somewhere and pick one up and then paste it so we no longer have to watch these epilepsy-inducing colours.
Simple. The consensus among all 5 members of the fort believe that the content of the fort far outweigh superficial graphics often depicting emo bitches.

Hence, until one of us decides to pick up some swanky programming knowledge, or really struck a great deal with Miss Inspiration, the fort shall remain so, with a very simple and plain and basic blogger layout, with various colours for fonts and lines etc.
Not satisfied? Look below

We have like 2 regulars?
LOL. Did you just explain a non-existent problem. (outside of the 5 of us). To the non-existent people who really care about our blog? (again, outside of the 5 of us)
someone's listening over here!
" Ramesh said...
anyone noticed?
the blogskin is still terrible. A far cry from most other blogs. BOO
February 11, 2009 3:34 AM"
i was actually prompted to do so thanks to this.
and it wasn't non-existent. we just decided to wait-and-see, so its a potential issue waiting to happen.
but if anyone really not happy and got better suggestion for how the blog shud look like, feel free to drop me an email.
P.S. i too am hoping to recieve some hate mail as a mark of achievement a la calm one
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