Monday, February 2, 2009


I woke up today, at fucking 5 am in the morning, and prepared to go to my new JC. Sweet.

Got thrown into a group called orientation Group 17. 17? what an odd number. But it does have 7 in it, so it's gonna be alright. Right? Oh wait. there are two girls on the stage in the hall being fucking noisy. Damn.

Played some ice breaker games with the rest of my group and my group leaders. The standard routine. Oh wow she's kinda cute.

Went down for morning assembly. OUR FIRST EVER MORNING ASSEMBLY. WHOOOO. There's this balding guy ranting on the microphone up there on the stands. I hope he isn't the school Principal. Shit he's wearing sandals and socks. He can't be the Principal. NO WAI. But the school song's not bad. Got some piano in it. Hope the lyrics aren't batshit or anything.

Back to hall. We're doing cheers, now!? Fuck. This school really is enthusiastic. OH DAMN THAT GUY REALLY IS THE PRINCIPAL.

Then there's talks. Talk talk talk talk ta- Oh shit I need to go to the john. Then, more talk talk talk. Boring.

Ouch, my ass hurts.

Finally, a fucking break. Half an hour only. Chatted with my new friend J.C. Had a conversation going there. He's decent.

Back to hall, and now we're just aimlessly wandering about. Then Mr D.A starts boasting that he smokes weed. He looks the type. Noisy, but it's better than nothing.

Then we have talks again! Wow.

3+ pm:
WHAT? 15 effing mass dances to memorise by the end of next week? Can I just die now?

I think my brain is numb.

Verdict: Interesting and promising. But a little bit too enthusiastic. We'll just have to see eh?


Anonymous said...

Let me guess, fellow JJcian?

the author said...

lol mass dances

Giant said...

lets see whats next... i predict lots and lots of community work.

K said...

I think you'lkl enjoy it better if your brain really is numb.

LimeX20A said...

Anon: yeah.

To the rest: GAY.

Giant said...

to Limey: right Back At Ya'

LimeX20A said...

at least it isn't the carameldansen...