I've been often trying to seek out what made my 4 years in secondary school so sour. For some reason or another, I don't like my secondary school. When I hear people talk about their secondary school with such pride, I get a bit jealous and wonder why I can't have that. Ego issues perhaps. I finally narrowed down the reason. I think its because of my school's lack of culture. There is no strong belonging and identity. In the name, the students, the school itself. I'd admit, I'm not one to embrace these things readily and I'm one of the anti peeps in school. But whathehell. Lets just say I want to move on... I honestly think this matter with school pride is a matter of honour and ego for me as well. EGO EGO
I've been doing more thinking about my JC routes for the past week or so. I realised I really don't want to enter PJC because I fear its going to be deja vu all over again. The same kind of culture (or lack of it) but in a different building. I don't want to hang out with the same bunch of folks again. Which would likely be the case... Welcome to sterotypical night.
Socks for all.
I really hope my results will justify my efforts I put into the examinations. And most of all, I hope my new school won't be a pain in my ass. I'm arrogant, but you'd prefer me to ignorance.
I hate ignorant people
- Tofu, peace out

Wild guess: You're comparing school society to church society?
bad guess
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