So my father just handed me an unbranded box, and guess what was inside? An... an iPod?
How much did it cost?
Nope, it's as unbranded on the inside as on the outside. Features seem pretty lame. The only thing that interests me remotely is the 4GB space, which I can use as a large thumbdrive. Perhaps to keep my playlist and Mikana in cold storage, should my SATA hard disk ever die on me.
So why did my father buy such a piece of trash?
1. He thought it was a good deal. (Maybe, lol)
2. Out of parental obligation
3. He wanted to buy my love
I would be asking these questions even if I had received a real iPod (not that I want one), or something I really wanted (a laptop). I want to be impartial on these things.
Today I had my Lit exam. All was well. There was this question that asked me to identify a character who had been caught up in material pursuits. (Unrelated: While everyone probably took the easy path and picked Paper for their story, I grabbed Elaine from Evening Under Frangipani. More "special kid" marks for me.)
Then it was off to the hall, to watch a concert that had been organized for Teacher's Day. It was compulsory. Probably to make sure that the work that went on behind the scenes was duly appreciated. But why a concert in the first place?
1. Need to appreciate teachers
2. Tradition (touchy touchy)
3. Part of MOE's effort to keep teachers happy and contributing by making them feel appreciated.
Yeah, we do need No.3. I'm an amoral guy. I have no moral problems with this. But although I don't believe in conventional good and evil, I have, like I said before in India, certain preferences.
I just feel disgusted at how appreciation for the men of women of the education system is reduced to a bunch of girls dancing in shorts to pop music. I can't see the link. You're wasting my time with bull shit. Now this is very important: I don't give a shit if the teachers enjoyed it or not. I just think that if I was a teacher, I wouldn't need (or want) to be patronized like this. You appreciate me? Fine. Sure. Appreciate me. Whenever you want.
But don't come to me on Teacher's Day and give me a fucking card because you're obligated to. That' empty. That's bullshit. That's lying.
But what do I know? In practical terms, we probably need a gazillion white lies to keep our infrastructure running. Keep the weak-willed and poorly-motivated knowing that they are doing good. Stuff like that. That's how Stalin did it, that's how big brother does it, and... it's worked out pretty well so far.
And while I'm on a roll, I would like to dedicate this rant to Miss Aza. Yes, I know it is ironic considering what I'm ranting about. But the dedication isn't because of the occasion. It's because its long overdue.
Thanks Miss Aza, for your sincere efforts. I don't think I should be your best student.
TOFU came up with what he thought was a great idea for the beginning of a play.
A bum is sitting on a bench, idling. A man enters and sits beside the bum.
Then he leans over and asks the bum,
"Hey - do you know the meaning of love?"
At first, yes, cool. But on hindsight, not really.
This does not have the makings of a good play; the makings of a good beginning, maybe, but good play?
I could cite a hundred and one reasons (no I can't) why not, but the one that strikes me now is how, through a play, a facade, a great pretend-show, writers and directors try to convey very real and relevant meanings to their audiences.
We don't die the same person that we were when we were born.
That said, what is the meaning of love? Maybe if I steal enough pics of Mikana at cross-country tomorrow I'll find out.
Nose (On sporadic wireless) - ALL YOU FUCKS! All your base will belong to ME! says (0:27):
so epic
TOFU says (0:27):
yes yes
Nose (On sporadic wireless) - ALL YOU FUCKS! All your base will belong to ME! says (0:27):
i am epic
Nose (On sporadic wireless) - ALL YOU FUCKS! All your base will belong to ME! says (0:27):
admit it
Nose (On sporadic wireless) - ALL YOU FUCKS! All your base will belong to ME! says (0:27):
you are stuuuuuuuuuuupi
TOFU says (0:27):
hav u been drinking again?
Nose (On sporadic wireless) - ALL YOU FUCKS! All your base will belong to ME! says (0:27):
get back to the place
Nose (On sporadic wireless) - ALL YOU FUCKS! All your base will belong to ME! says (0:27):
the place where a maths noobs hang out
Nose (On sporadic wireless) - ALL YOU FUCKS! All your base will belong to ME! says (0:27):
is it just me or is that ego speaking?
Explain plz
no actually, i'd rather not.
What is it with this mentality that I can't handle anything but jokes? Is it because of India? What, my 'faggot' comments got to you? Who's the sensitive one then?
on the contrary, i firmly believe that you can handle jokes, and anything else you wish to do. i am merely displeased by your strangely oversized ego that seems to be pushing people around. certain comments of yours could be some personal joke of yours, but i'm afraid i do not possess psychic powers, hence pardon me if i do not share your joke. pwn my ass? bring it.
Whoa, don't leave it at "certain comments of yours" like some sort of wuss. Specify all the shit you have with me. YOU bring it.
your post "Benedict as PREDATOR". you wrote "And the rest of you - The Pebble Fuckers, Thaksin's daughter and Anwar's coffee boy! ALL YOU FUCKS! All your base will belong to ME!
care to explain please?
Being a writer yourself, you should have some literary experience and thus know that most prominent writers never use CAPITAL LETTERS for serious emphasis; it's almost always italics. The only time you see capital letters being used for this purpose is from the scripts of amateurs or the internet. Or when italics are unavailable.
Except in the comment box, italics are available for blogspot.
And before you jump to an assumption, non-capitalised does not necessarily confirm a non-joke, nor vice-versa.
And now to do this wall of text case-by-case:
1. Benedict as PREDATOR
Benedict looking for girls on the internet. I don't know how you missed this, but the voice of the cameraman - was clearly tongue-in-cheek. The manner in which I showed people was the same. It's not meant to make people disgusted at Benedict or defame him. For proof:
Whereas TOFU, and I suspect, quite a number of people were deriding Benedict's slow mental capacity, I eventually turned around and decided to put a stop to it on (mainly) a personal level.
How many times have I mentioned that I watch porn and alluded to taking pictures of Mikana? If that isn't a glaring double standard, and in turn an obvious indication of the joking tone of the video...
And I haven't even begun on how 'predator' is another obvious exaggeration, which does not even depend on whether the video is legit.
Pebble Fuckers
Obviously you don't consider me as part of the Pebble Fort authors, since I myself am a "Pebble Fucker".
It's a obvious joke, dammit.
Thaksin's daughter
Referring to someone from our school, random reference (Ask TOFU).
Anwar's coffee boy
So you guys can use it as a joke to harass our buddy but I can't use it to say I'm going to beat him?
All your base will belong to ME!
Besides from making no sense whatsoever besides to internet pedestrians (and I don't mean the noobs that frequent Singapore sites and blogspot only), it's another in-joke (Ask Panzer). Even if you took it seriously, I have no idea what sort of offensive material you read into it.
There are more than enough indications of being less-than-serious in this "statement". But yes, I do want to pwn as much as I can. Link me to your explanation how this is more offensive than "One down"? Is it because of the lang- O DEAR THE LANGUAGE
8. As a whole
Simple logic: If I had a large ego, I would believe that there would be no need for me to work harder. What, you think theat post was sarcastic in proclaiming that I would work harder and try to get marks to rival the best (real-life identities of the nicknames Anwar's coffee boy, Thaksin's daughter, Mikana, not to mention ourselves as the Pebble Fuckers, aren't exactly getting seven F9s)? The post, if you read into it at a deeper level is (ironically) a simple "I gotta work harder". Even at face value it says more or less the same thing, and as proven above, the face has been made over-satirical so that you either take it as a joke or you go read the subtext, which in light of the fact that the subtext says "I suck, I need to work harder" makes your accusation of ego absolutely ludicrous.
And to drive home the nail in the coffin, I posted that conversation I had with TOFU, which gave you another easy interpretative route to follow: I was "drunk" and it was all satire.
10. Coincidentally I just realized I can use HTML to insert italics in the comment box. Damn.
11. And (yes, I am aiming for overkill) just in case this is on your mind (or you're withholding it for backup argumentative ammo), I do think Predator and Prey Part 2 stinks. It lacked imagination, lacked believability, lacked deft and depth, and was worse than free porn. It was shit. But most importantly, it is a professional opinion (professional meaning impartial, not experienced) and has nothing to do with you (or me, or us, or God, or Chuck Norris) personally.
12. In conclusion,
14. There is no thirteen.
15. ?????
16. Profit!!!
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