Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Russian salmons

As the world watch in awe as Michael Phelps smash several world records and capture a record 8 gold medals at the Beijing Summer Olympic Games, Europe watches in horror as a liberal country is 'invaded' by its powerful northern neighbour on 7th August.

The Georgian President called the rogue states 'criminal regimes' which he vowed to overthrow and regain control upon. The Russians called it 'geonocide'. The two breakaway regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia broke away from Georgian control as early as the early 1990s. This renewed conflict in a desolated location in the world provides some interesting food for thought for observers.

Well, what many people wouldn't know was that the American Secetary of State, Dr Rice was in Georgia a few weeks before conflict erupted. The Georgians probably carried out the offensive with American support. Since Georgia had a contingent of 1000 troops fighting the backwash war in Iraq, Mikheil Saakashvili (Georgian President) probably thought his big brother would come in to save his ass in case of Russian intervention. The Americans miscaluculated as the Russians punched through the border to 'mantain' peace. The Russian steamrolled the opposing forces and provided the world to a rude awakening of Russia's post Cold War military might.

In a televised address a few days ago, President George W. Bush condemn Russia's act of an invasion of a 'sovreign nation' and invading a 'democracy'. I thought Bush's well timed speech was amazing, something we could all learn from. After all, it was he who went half way around the world to Iraq to beat the shit out of Sovereign Iraq and slap Saddam Hussien to his hole in the ground. I'm very sure Bush is in a very good position to condemn these attacks.

Just a few days back, in what I would call a fuel to fire affair, German chancellor Angela Merkel went to Georgia and promised Mikheil Saakashvili that Georgia would join NATO. There is only 2 things I find wrong in Mrs Chancellor's actions. Firstly, Georgia is in goddamn central asia, its called the NORTH ATLANTIC treaty organisation for a reason. And secondly, I'm SURE Georgia joining NATO would solve the problem. I do believe that Georgia's close ties with the west was one of the reasons for Russian intevention. Probably the Russians reminding the region that their livelihood still depends on them and not Mr Eagle holding the talon and olive branch.

Whether or not Russian intevention is justifiable, I cannot say, but what I can say is that, America is in no position to judge the Russian actions. This will not be a new cold war, but this is a signal of a new era of Russia's emergence as a big player in European affairs.

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