Tuesday, August 5, 2008

more equal. <=

BTW Tofu, its not a pun. Its the FUCKING TRUTH!

In our current society, we always try to see all human beings as equal which is good. No discriminination and all and we all live happily ever after. But is it "equal" to the majority? What I'm trying to say is, lets have an example, no on MRTs and LRTs they have 1-2 priority seats on every row of seats on every carriage. Now that isin't the problem, you know cause we need to give way to the elderly and pregnant and all but do we really have so many people with special needs right now? I mean yes it is good that there should be a law in place to stop employers from sacking or refusing to hire people with special needs, but to also be given the exact same salary despite having to have more medical leave days or special care given? Now is that really equality? If you want to be treated equal, you have to get there on your own merits, not complain about how you may or may not be "discriminated".

The same problem also appears with women. Now not to be sexist or anything but some women really don't know who they are. There are of course the femenists who want totally equal rights and men and then there are those who still want to be treated like princesses. Now the problem is, there "princesses" learn about femenism and the start wanting equality as well like...WTF? Kind of like where maybe your signifiance other wants you share equal load of the house work. You think thats fair and you agree. But then she also expects gifts and also to pay for everysingle meal. Seriously woman, you got the word femenist wrong.



Giant said...

Tsk Tsk Tsk..
TRUTH. now. isn't. significant. Feminist.
get tuition bitch. ENGLISH SPELLING TUITION. if not, GET BACK TO PRI 1!!

reading you articles takes time. its not that it so insightful. its because i have to correct you mistakes to process the information properly

K said...

if you know how to correct it, you should know how to read it. :) and my typing sucks worse then my writing. Blame America...no seriously..don't