Murphy's law: 99% of everything is shit.
Today: Found some 1%.
I had actually heard about the LP for Animal Crossing for some time, but had never bothered to read it, assuming that it was just another black parody of a children's game. I started on Part 1 just now and then read it all the way through. "Let's Plays" are usually just some guy snarking his way through a video game, sometimes you get good laugh material, but this... this is beyond parody. This is nightmare fuel. Well-written, riveting nightmare fuel based off a children's game about cute animals. Link below.
The Terrible Secret of Animal Crossing.------------------------------------------------------------
Second story I found (a month or two ago) is a bit different. It's a trader-turned-scammer's account of how he did his first big scam in EVE Online. EVE's one of those mega-MMOs, so the virtual game money actually has some significant real-life value. The story's basically a crime action film, brought down to reality - I suppose that's why it got my heart pounding when the virtual spaceships start shooting. It's an alternately exciting and disgustingly fascinating look into the EVE metagame.
It's called Nightfreeze. It was written as some sort of memoir, but it's a bit cloudy as to how much of it's actually true. It's got some teeth-biting parts, but the ending's kind of lame. I'm actually toying around with writing a feature-length script for it someday (no srsly!).
Metagaming is the term we use to describe real-life actions that support virtual holdings and investments. For example, cutting the power to a guy's house so that your internet buddies can fly in with spaceships and blow up his expensive Titan. (that's an EVE Online ancedote, too!)